Author, certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner, entrepreneur and founding editor of “North Star Family Matters Magazine,” Sue Woodward will be releasing the paperback version of her best selling Amazon Kindle book “I Deserve Success – 7 Secrets to Your Kid’s Success In School and Life.”
“Since the release of the kindle version last year we’ve had so many people ask for a paperback so they could share it with friends, families, churches and schools.”
Woodward, a lifelong advocate and champion for empowering children to succeed believes there are secrets that ignite families, schools and kids to incorporate healthy communication, emotional balance, life skills and success in learning. “Kids have one priority and that is to keep their love of learning alive,” said Woodward. “I truly believe that’s their job. Problems get addressed daily eliminating poor communication, future addictions, behavioral problems, poor grades, lack of motivation, peer pressure and a host of other issues. My ‘7 Secrets’ address these concerns in detail.”
The book transforms parenting philosophies to incorporate the latest research on how the brain works. Woodward outlines her “7 Secrets” and demonstrates how easy it is to embrace logical tools, boundaries, strategies and skills when you know how the brain works best. “One day at a time, parents and kids learn how to take responsibility of one thing; their own actions and reactions,” noted Woodward.
Readers will gain insight into how total family transformation happens easily when kids take responsibility for what they create on a daily basis, and why this is the best formula for success in school and life. Woodward added, “Parent of newborns need to read this, and so do 78 year old ‘kids’ who are still trying to improve family relationships. Change your brain and you will change your life. Schools will be transformed as kids demand their right to success in learning.”
Author and marketing strategist, Cliff Pelloni, and Wendy Garrido, founder of StressLessMom.com, contributed their expertise to the book project. “From the minute I met Sue, I knew she was something special. Her message and 7 Secrets needed to be shared with the world. I teamed up with her not only to improve my own parenting skills, but to help change the lives of every child,” said Pelloni.
Learn more about Sue, visit: www.SueWoodward.com.
Tune into her weekly podcast – Power Up Parenting on iTunes visit: