Dr. Andrew Haug, owner of Haug Chiropractic in Naperville, Illinois, has a passion for helping people discover the simple truth that life is better when the body is straighter. He says, many endure needless chronic pain for years, whether migraines, tension headaches, neck and back pain. Yet after spending precious time and money every year trying to get relief, some never come to realize that in certain cases, the pain is simply because the skeletal frame is not straight.
Dr. Haug loves what he does. He practices a special and little known method called A.O. (Atlas Orthogonal). This method offers a process of closely measuring each person’s actual alignment. Atlas Orthogonality is where a very light force instrument is used to adjust the Atlas Vertebra located at the top cervical bone in the neck. The atlas is located directly under the head, which connects the head to the rest of the spine and supports the weight of the head. When the head is positioned in the center of the feet, the body is balanced.
Dr. Haug makes sure there is no uncomfortable twisting, popping or cracking of the spine, which some people find unnerving. He says a body that’s not brought into alignment can cause a domino effect creating issues like poor posture that adds stress to the muscles and joints, leading to areas that are inflamed and painful. Poor posture and painful joints make it hard to keep your body erect and can drain your energy. This leads to chronic fatigue which limits enjoyment and the ability to be as productive as possible. With this technique, Dr. Haug says, many have experienced a noticeable difference immediately – not only does the patient feel better, they actually leave the office standing up straighter.
Dr. Haug sold his practice in California after fifteen years and recently moved to Naperville, IL so he and his wife Valerie could raise their two children close to family while exploring all the wonderful parks and forest in quaint Naperville. He admits that although many of his West Coast patients miss him and the weather in Illinois hasn’t been very kind to a California newcomer, his new clients are glad he’s in the Midwest and don’t mind driving over an hour to get to his office in Naperville, since there are only about six Chiropractors certified in the state of Illinois to do the Atlas Orthogonality method. His journey has been dedicated to getting the finest results for his patients since he graduated Chiropractic College in 1997.
The impact of life’s daily grind over a period of time has a way to stress the human body in greater ways than anyone might realize. The skeletal frame is the core structure of the human body, if the body is straight it’s positioned to self-heal through proper alignment. May is Posture Month and a good time to be reminded as your mother would say to “stand up straight ” and Dr. Haug says “A good atlas adjustment is a beautiful thing!”
For more information, contact Dr. Haug at: http://www.haugchiropractic.com