In the contemporary marketplace, consumers are more skeptical and careful than ever before. According to Chris Gunkle of, the key to success in the current business environment is for small businesses to establish themselves as authorities in their fields in order to build trust with their audiences and attract new customers.
“When I speak with small business owners, most of them are aware of the challenges that exist in the new marketplace—they realize that word-of-mouth is their best source of new customers,” says Gunkle. “However, they often don’t know what to do to generate that word-of-mouth, and are at a loss as to how to succeed in the new marketplace.” That’s where, Gunkle’s reputation management and trust-based marketing firm, comes in.
“The name of our business is a play on the idea of claim jumpers from the days of the gold rush. They would see a claim and say, ‘I want that gold,’ and take it,” explains Gunkle. “Our customers want to be famous in their industries; they want to be their industry’s go-to authority. We help them take that fame by teaching them how to establish trust in the marketplace. This helps the rest of their marketing efforts work that much better.”
According to Gunkle, there are two primary ways that he helps his customers establish their businesses as authorities in their fields. “For a lot of our clients, especially those with brick-and-mortar companies, the goal is to increase their online reputation. We give them tips on how to generate reviews and how to capitalize on good reviews,” says Gunkle. “With those who receive negative reviews, the first step is to teach them that bad reviews aren’t the end of the world. In fact, addressing bad reviews publically is a good way to establish trust. It shows that you are listening, and that you want to make it right. You can then approach the customer privately to try to win them back.” For companies who receive consistently negative reviews, Gunkle helps them get to the root of the issues that may be causing customers to have a negative experience, so that the problem can be corrected and future feedback will be more positive.
The second method Gunkle and use to generate trust-based marketing is by helping their clients establish themselves as experts in a certain industry or on a particular problem that their company can solve. “The main avenue we use to generate this type of image is through media attention—generating coverage with major media outlets, so that we can in turn use those logos on the company’s website to show website visitors that yes, this company or this person knows what they are talking about, that they are recognized authorities on this issue.”
Evelyn Wheeler of is just one of the many clients who have seen success using Gunkle’s methods and services. She says, “Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Not sure how to get your name out there and show you are the industry leader? Then you need to meet with Chris Gunkle! He is a MASTER!”
For additional information on how trust-based marketing can increase marketing return-on-investment visit: