Branden Wabe, Author of More Customers Now and Founder of Superior Marketing Academy, knows exactly what it takes to make a business succeed
“I see so much confusion about where business owners should spend their marketing dollars. Should they focus on Social Media, Billboards, Newspaper ads, Radio and TV Spots, Twitter, Direct Mail, Facebook the list goes on and on. These days the number of options are endless and trying to do them all yourself is near impossible. The trick is to set systems in place so that the marketing happens automatically. ” said Branden.
Another key factor that many business owners completely overlook is having a mentor.
World-renowned motivational speaker and bestselling self-help author Tony Robbins also trumpets the importance of getting a mentor. He encourages new entrepreneurs to surround themselves with successful people.“Who you spend the most time with is who you become”
Robbins said during a recent interview with NBC. He added: “getting yourself in proximity with people that are succeeding will rub off on you. You will begin to think like they think. You begin to see things differently and notice opportunities you might not have otherwise. The same can happen with unsuccessful people, so be mindful of your circle.”
Branden looks to remove the headaches that come with growing a business. He developed automated systems that alleviate anxiety and confusion that many business owners suffer through while trying to grow. For years, his methods have been helping business owners make immediate breakthroughs.
One of Branden’s clients, Frank, stated,“After working with Branden and using his systems, I have noticed massive improvement in my general productivity. Not to mention, I am making a ton of money. There is no time like the present to take action.”
For more information on Branden Wabe visit his website at: www.brandenwabe.com/