Marketing Expert And Best-Selling Author, Cliff Pelloni, Launches eFluential Publishing

Cliff Pelloni, founder of eFluential Marketing in Atlanta, Georgia recently launched eFluential Publishing, a business designed to assist people who want to take their ideas, knowledge, skills and experience, and turn them into books. The primary focus is to help authors turn their books into best-sellers using the eFluential Author Program. “Book and product creation is such a large part of building efluence,” Pelloni explains. “There’s a huge demand for people wanting to use the power of book publishing to help position themselves as authorities in their market or field. My program creates both paperback and electronic books for distribution on sites like, Barnes and, ibooks and others.”

Pelloni developed the eFluential Author Program after he began writing and publishing his own books. He quickly learned that publishing and having a best-selling book not only helps to promote oneself and business by sharing knowledge and ideas, but is also one of the best ways for professionals and business owners to position themselves to their current and future customers.

“Clients kept asking how could they stand out from others in their field. Creating a book from your skills and knowledge elevates your status and creates instant authority. You are seen as an expert in your field. It’s a fantastic business and marketing tool,” Pelloni states. Beyond book creation and promotion eFluential Publishing will provide coaching and services on turning an individual’s book, skills and experience into products, seminars, webinars, public relations and other media.

For more information about Cliff Pelloni and eFluential Publishing please visit: or call (678) 999-2129.

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