Mara Glazer Is Helping Business Owners Profit Now With Her Tough Love Approach!

$1,000,000 in less than 278 days. That’s what Mara Glazer did using social and alternative media when she worked for Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle. And she didn’t even know anything about social media when she started. Now, she’s gone on to be a business coach who gives her clients the tough love they need to stay on track for success. She’s tough, but she also “gives her clients the support and guidance along the way so they can stay on track and don’t feel lonely as they build their businesses,” Glazer says.

For Glazer, this is a work of love: “The most rewarding part of my job is helping people go beyond what the voices in their head tell them they can not do so that they can create the life they have always wanted but maybe never thought was possible.” “Plus,” Glazer says, “I help people make lots and lots of money,” and her success stories speak to that fact.

“The first 3 calls we made after learning her system in her Buzzworthy MBA program resulted in 3 sales conversions that netted us $9k in profit in just 1.5hrs!” says Everett Woods of The New Deal: For Real Estate. Or take the experience of Shanda Sumpter of Heartcore Business – “Since meeting Mara, we’ve done over $100k in one month from Facebook alone and our opt-ins are going through the roof!”

Glazer’s personal financial success also speaks to her business savvy: 6 figure income in the first four months in her business and $300k in her first year in her coaching business. And she gives back to her Maryland home, too. She raised $70,000 for the Junior Achievement Organization in Central Maryland to help them start a program for teaching inner city youth how to create and start their own real businesses.

For Glazer, the work is about passion and commitment – to success, to dreams, and to hard work. She encourages her clients to see past where they are now, to step beyond the limitations they have set for themselves, and to see the possibilities for their own businesses.

She’s a role model for all her clients. They can look to her, see her success, and strive for their own. And what does Mara Glazer get for all this hard work – a sense of accomplishment, the freedom to live a lifestyle she enjoys, and the ability to work through her bucket list with ease.

Keep an eye out. One thing on her bucket list – to pay for the full college education of a child who is not her own. She’s got a big heart, this lady.

For more information about Mara Glazer, visit her website: