While charitable donations appear to be on the rise since the beginning of the Great Recession, Dr. Jack Von Bulow of Temple City Dental Care shows he never slowed down, kicking off his sixteenth straight year of charitable giving through the Smiles for Life Foundation.
According to a 2013 study by Giving USA, charitable donations declined 15% since the beginning of the recession in 2008. But 2013 data indicates that donations are on an upswing. Blackbaud, an online donation processor, saw overall donations grow by 4.9% in 2013. A recent survey by the Nonprofit Research Collaborative showed 62% of charities reported an increase of donations in 2013 over 2012, much of the gains coming from online appeals and special fundraising events.
While the slow economic recovery has given individuals, the largest contributor of charitable funds, a good reason to cut back on giving, Dr. Von Bulow and his staff have not wavered from their commitment.
Dr. Von Bulow says, “It has been life changing. When you can see the results firsthand of helping people, it is really inspiring. Being involved in something like this just takes everything that we do here in our office to a whole different level.”
Since 1998 the Smiles for Life Foundation has asked dentists to donate their services by offering reduced cost teeth whitening to their patients, the proceeds from which are donated to charity. Every year from March through June Dr. Von Bulow and his team donate their time and expertise to the cause. Their efforts have helped the program support more than 500 different charities and raise more than $31 million.
Half of the money raised from the event is donated to children’s charities nationwide while the remaining funds go to a local charity chosen by each participating dental practice. In years past, Temple City Dental Care has chosen Cure Autism Now, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and Haven House of Pasadena. This year they are donating the funds to City of Hope.
In addition to their annual participation in Smiles for Life, every month Dr. Von Bulow’s office donates a percentage of their revenue to a local charity chosen by one of their team members.
To learn more about Dr. Von Bulow and his work with Smiles for Life go to www.templecitydental.com/smile-for-life.