Lefford Fate, Professional Coach Specializing on Working with Military Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Life, Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Radio Show.

Thirty-one-year military veteran, Lefford Fate, has transitioned to a new and important role, helping other military veterans make the transition from military service to new roles in their civilian lives.

Fate’s background of service in the Air Force and working as a mental health professional dealing with the struggles of veterans not only when it came to dealing with families and military deployments, but when it comes to making the transition back to civilian life once their military commitments ended.

It was in his work as a mental health professional that he realized men and women who continued to struggle with making the transition to civilian life years after their service terms ended. He also recognized the fact that they were not getting the help they needed and felt that he needed (to be) the one to do something to help.

His background as a service member in the United States Air Force plus his work in the mental health profession placed him in an ideal position to prepare service members for events that may arise personal, professionally, and within their own families as they make the transition from military service, military deployments, etc. back into their roles in communities, jobs, and families.

Fate believes that one of the most important aspects of resiliency is “Understanding and expectation management.” He goes on to say that people who come home expecting rainbows and unicorns are doomed for disappointment and struggles with the transition while those who come home with more realistic expectations are better prepared to deal with process of integrating back into their families, communities, and jobs.

Learn more about Lefford Fate and the important work he does with military veterans, helping them to make the transition back to civilian life and through his professional coaching services by visiting his website: http://www.leffordfate.com and by listening to the life interview available through iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and the Business Innovators Radio Network.

His TEDx Talk titled “Correcting Corrections: Why I am In Prison” is also available online here.