Minnesota Poet, Kristina Jacobs’ fifth poetry chapbook, Dawn After Dusk was named No. 1 best seller for Contemporary Poetry at Amazon recently. The chapbook also ranked No. 4 for Women’s Poetry and No. 4 in Kindle Short Reads. Published by The Next Level Publishing, the collection explores the themes of light and growth. The order of the poems takes the reader on a journey along with the poet, exploring emotions and ideas one might experience at the beginning of growth, through those dark and questioning times to ultimately finding hope and moving forward in life.
Jacobs writes non-rhyming free verse poetry, from a distinctly feminine point of view. Each poem stands alone, yet as a collection, they follow a pattern of showing growth and change in life as she explores the different emotions. Dawn After Dusk includes the poems: Nothing’s Fair, The Pretenders, Damn my Castles in the Sky, Suffocate, Coming Unglued, Blackberry Bend, She X’d Herself, On the Path, On the Cusp of Becoming, Taking Action, I Dream, Soul Ingredients, To Lead, The Power of Being Awake and 20 Wishes.
Jacobs shared recently, “My first published poem was about getting a D in Geometry…you know because Geometry and D rhymed. What can I say? I was in middle school at the time! I wasn’t taking Geometry and I never got a D in it, so clearly I’ve always had a good imagination. My first chapbook of poetry came out in 2011. I’d long since abandoned rhyming and I focus on emotions and transformation in all of my poems. In 2015, two new chapbooks, Inside Invisible and Dawn After Dusk, were released. They’re sister collections. Both explore growth, but like all my poetry and writing, they have underlying elements of allegory, parable, and fantasy.”
Jacobs other poetry collections include: Grey Weir, The Wildwood Guardian, Inside Invisible and Slipshod Mornings & Meandering Midnights. Kristina lives in Minnesota where she writes through the long, cold winter. Dawn After Dusk is currently available as an ebook at Amazon. The Next Level Publishing will produce a print version of the chapbook and release it to the public later this year. Jacobs poetry also appears in online literary journals, most recently at Dead Snakes, in Leaves of Ink and Esoteric Meditations.
To purchase a copy visit: http://www.amazon.com/Dawn-After-Dusk-Kristina-Jacobs-ebook/.