Karen P. Moore Establishes Southwest Florida Business Today As The Premier “Go To” Business Newspaper in SW Florida

The Year 2007 was a defining moment in the life of Karen Moore. Like so many others, she lost her job due to the recession and was faced with a decision. “Now what do I do?”

Karen decided to use her 30+ years of experience and expertise to start Southwest Florida Business Today. A decision that went against the advice of so many “experts” who questioned why she would start a newspaper when so many other news outlets were going digital.

“There wasn’t any publication that focused in on day to day business advice. Things that people who are in the business community are going to need to know to run their business in the field more efficiently. I had all of this publishing experience, so I decided to move forward with my own business publication,” said Moore.

From those humble beginnings in October of 2007, under Karen’s leadership and guidance, SW Florida Business Today is now an award winning publication that business owners look forward to reading each and every month. Referring to SW Florida Business Today, Moore said, “When you pick up a copy, my goal is for you to be able to take what’s inside of it and immediately apply to your business. Whether that be sound advice, an event, or training, as long as you gain something from it that you can actually use for your business, then our goal is achieved,” explains Moore.

Karen actually climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and often talks about the parallels between climbing a mountain and starting a new business. “You’re standing at the bottom, having done all of your preparation to climb that mountain. You look up at that big mountain and the first thought you have is what you’re even doing there and what were you even thinking. However, your very next thought is that you have no choice because you’ve done everything to get to this point, so you gotta go”, said Moore.

Southwest Florida Business Today can be found at over 100 locations in Lee and Collier counties.

For more information about Karen Moore and her award winning business publication visit: http://www.SWFloridaBusinessToday.com