Judi Juliano has completed the REGIONAL JOY COACHING AMERICA – ACADEMY Program. She is one of the growing Joy Coaches across America (now Worldwide) becoming Certified Regional Joy Coaches, Grief Coaches and Certified Relaxation Therapists. This accomplishment is in addition to Juliano’s current success as a Holistic Health Practitioner, Addiction and Recovery Coach, Oil Educator and Consultant, as well as the Founder of Gateway to Wellness and Gateway to Joy.
Juliano completed each of the six modules in the REGIONAL PROGRAM and is now well on her way to the Masters Program, all at the young age of 74.
Juliano stated: “I am so blessed to be a part of ‘Joy Coaching America’ founded by Karyn Lynn Grant.”
Joy Coaching America’s founder, Karyn Lynn Grant, LMT, bestselling author, singer and songwriter is educating women across America on the value of self-care for heart, mind, body and spirit via the five senses. Grant is encouraging women to discover the joy in reclaiming their rightful roles as “Nurturers” for their own hearts, homes and families. She celebrates each one of the Joy Coaches: those caring and talented women who are a part of the growing Joy Coaching America-Worldwide community.
Joy Coach Judi, has studied essential oils under 2 of the most knowledgeable women in the country, one of which is Karyn Lynn Grant. Juliano’s cumulative blend of training, including meditation, prior to adding Joy Coaching America-Academy’s Program which in itself combines Grant’s own music, meditation, aromatherapy blends and compassionate touch therapies, has increased Juliano’s confidence and services and as a result, she has helped a number of people learn to relax and love themselves. Juliano continued: “I believe relaxation, we all need, no matter who we are. Prayer, meditation, music, oils and touch all help.”
“I feel I have grown tremendously with this program. Before I had desires to help others with depression, anger and did so through 12 step programs. Now, this is an added ministry. As we use all 5 senses through “The Healers Touch Method” TM, we are changed. Aromatherapy is nature’s gentlest means of emotional release. The sense of smell is the only sense directly connected to the limbic centers of the brain. Unexpressed emotions are stored in the body then released with aromatherapy, stated Juliano.”
A Regional Joy Coach expands her nurturing gifts, talents, life experience and areas of expertise in the healing arts, beyond her own home and family. She is one who reaches out into her community and beyond, with her specifically chosen niche(s) in areas where she has gained great compassion, empathy and kindness and then reaches out by ministering to a world in need.
Juliano has already been making a difference as a Joy Coach. She has 3 niches: Relaxation, Grief and most important, Addiction/Recovery. She shares that “Joy Coaching can help those in recovery find their life calling.”
Addiction/recovery has been Juliano’s main mission for 35 years. She has been involved with 12 step programs and highly endorses them. When she first got clean/sober, she wanted to help young women be better mothers than she had been. “Now, Juliano commented, with 192 a day dying of overdose in America alone, I want to help keep them alive longer. We are having an epidemic in this country! I am very passionate about my work specializing in the field of addition and recovery. To my knowledge, I am the only one offering Joy Coaching specifically in this area of addiction /recovery. I need help getting the word out to as many as possible about the positive changes that joy, grief and relaxation coaching and sessions can offer.”
Juliano has worked with the elderly and grieving for 20 years. She states: “and even more effectively since getting certified in grieving by and since taking the “Mourning” classes offered via Joy Coaching America-Academy’s programs.”
Right now, Joy Coach Judi, is also doing “Life Recovery 12 Steps” through the Bible. Juliano offered: “these are listed nationally. I also do sessions for addiction, recovery, grief and relaxation that can be conducted individually or in a group. Monday evenings group sessions are held for grief; Wednesday evenings for addiction and the 12 Step Recovery Bible study is on Thursday evenings. We also are doing a Life Recovery 12 Step Bible Study on Monday’s at 11AM Arizona time, on Zoom, for those outside of the area.”
Juliano should have no trouble making the difference she wants to make in this much needed field because her Joy Coaching work involving all 5 senses, relaxation and grief coaching is not geographically based. Anyone from around the world can experience a session, via phone or other means thanks to the multiple communication avenues available in today’s world.
To learn more about Judi Juliano (Joy Coach Judi):
Phone: 1-480-798-4740
Email: joycoach.judi@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JudiJulianoJOYCOACHJUDI
Carol A Santella
Carol A Santella is a Right Hand Advisor, Positioning and Credibility Consultant to Business Professionals; is a Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, Strategist and Publisher. Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; is world renowned for her Program of Acknowledgment and Recognition of those who stand out above the rest, and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network TM which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.