![JimChianese headshot](https://smallbusinesstrendsetters.com/wp-content/uploads/JimChianese-headshot1-150x150.png)
“Jump Start” Jim Chianese, a Las Vegas based Celebrity Marketing Coach and Strategist, has completely revamped prevailing internet marketing and advertising formulas that have been pushed on, and failed, business owners for the last ten years. Just type into Google News the words “internet advertising” today—and count how many headlines on page one of that search are negative.
For example, on July 2, 2014, these appeared:
· A Dangerous Question: Does Internet Advertising Work at All? (Atlantic Monthly)
· Can We Ever Know If Online Advertising Really Works? (Slate)
· Does the advertising business that built Google actually work? (Quartz)
What has happened that makes internet advertising so ineffective? For one, there are so many options, and internet advertising is so complex and constantly changing, that it is overwhelming for even the experts to keep up with it. It is not simple to predict return on investment. One of the most frustrating challenges for a business owner is the constant barrage of internet marketing and social media sales people promising traffic to websites yet delivering disappointing results.
The solution: becoming a “celebrity” business owner. That way a business will sell more and sell easier through simple authority or expert positioning. Dan Kennedy, arguably the most prolific and respected marketing guru and author over the last 25 years, echoes Jump Start Jim’s outlook on the importance of using celebrity building as vital part of your marketing strategy. Kennedy states, “The simple truth is, if you aren’t deliberately, systematically, methodically or rapidly and dramatically establishing yourself as a celebrity, at least to your clientele and target market, you’re asleep at the wheel, ignoring what is fueling the entire economy around you, neglecting development of a measurably valuable asset.”
Social media, search engine marketing, and banner ads are okay if your budget can handle the expensive price tag and ongoing changes to the rules of engagement, but many small business owners need the leverage that celebrity marketing provides. Today’s consumer is advertising wary. They see and actively avoid ads on search engines and social media, and banner ads have never been promoted as a vehicle with a great return on investment. So, what does becoming a business celebrity mean?
Celebrity marketing isn’t about becoming a Hollywood star, but it is about having a strong online presence that allows you to be recognized more often. This leads to building trust as an authority and an expert so that you may sell your products or services easier. The most powerful, fast, and effective way to be seen as a luminary to your target market is to have someone else tell your target audience that you are the expert. This has been done for years in the form of joint ventures and publicity. Think of Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz on the Oprah show. Do you think we’d know them as household names if it wasn’t for Oprah?
Marketing strategist Robert Rose sums it up: “Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star.” Internet marketers have built small fortunes using joint ventures and publicity. Having a business name appearing on major media outlets or having a well-respected authority proclaim a professional’s expertise can instantly give them that celebrity, positioning them and attracting the sales they desire, without the hit and miss of internet advertising.
To learn more how business owners can build their celebrity and make their marketing bring results go to: http://jumpstartjim.com.