Insights from a Recorded Interview: Kerri-Anne’s Quick Introduction to Empowering Growth

In this interview, we delve into the insightful world of Kerri-Anne, a dedicated entrepreneur and mentor who has made it her mission to empower cleaning business owners to achieve remarkable growth and assist individuals in conquering self-limiting beliefs. Kerri-Anne’s approach transcends the conventional, as she emphasizes the importance of recognizing and overcoming deeply ingrained fears and doubts, both in the realm of business development and personal transformation. With a profound commitment to authenticity and continuous self-improvement, she sheds light on the myths and misconceptions surrounding her work and reveals the deeply personal experiences that fuel her unwavering dedication to helping others overcome their obstacles, regardless of the time it takes.

-Begin interview-

[Q] Who do you currently help and how?


 I assist cleaning business owners in achieving substantial growth, aiming for a $10,000 monthly increase within six months. Our long-term goal is to reach $1,000,000 in a year. We work closely with both new and established cleaning business owners, customizing our programs to suit their specific needs.


But beyond business growth, my mission extends to empowering people to recognize their worthiness and achieve their desires. I’ve personally faced hardships, including losing everything due to COVID in 2020 and having to rebuild from scratch. This resonates with my audience. 


Throughout my life, I’ve been dedicated to helping individuals overcome addiction, mental health issues, and family-related challenges. I’ve realized that everyone carries some form of trauma that hinders their progress. I see my role in reaching out to these individuals and assisting them on their journey. Currently, my mission is to break down emotional barriers and truly connect with those I aim to serve.


When I first meet these individuals, they often appear defeated and worn down by life. However, as we progress, typically within three to six weeks, they regain their self-assuredness and start to take better care of themselves. By the five to six-month mark, they transform into confident CEOs of their businesses. Witnessing their growth and flourishing is incredibly gratifying.

[Q] How do you help them overcome obstacles to success?


 When individuals in the cleaning industry seek my assistance, they often believe their main challenges are related to pricing, employee recruitment, or client acquisition. However, the core issues often stem from their self-belief, ability to recognize opportunities, and overall confidence.


We begin by addressing the immediate concerns and teaching them the vital skill of pricing for profit accurately. Next, we help them build a team of exceptional employees, instilling confidence in the quality of their services. Then, we guide them in leveraging this newfound confidence, which stems from pricing knowledge and a great team, to expand their client base.


This initial phase establishes the foundation for their business to operate as they envision. Once they reach this point, we can delve into deeper issues that often hinder their progress: self-doubt, feelings of unworthiness, and a lack of confidence in seizing opportunities.


During the first six months of our collaboration, significant opportunities often arise due to the marketing strategies we implement. In these moments, clients sometimes feel vulnerable. For instance, one client initially hesitated, feeling unqualified for a substantial job opportunity. I encouraged him to take the chance and provided guidance on what to say and how to navigate the consultation. Surprisingly, he not only secured the job but also had to manage 20 employees within three weeks.


What struck me most was his initial sense of not belonging and unworthiness. However, I assured him that he did belong and could be wherever he desired. This transformed him from hesitance to unwavering confidence and success, a recurring theme in our clients’ journeys during our six-month collaboration.


When I first meet these individuals, they often appear defeated and worn down by life. However, as we progress, typically within three to six weeks, they regain their self-assuredness and start to take better care of themselves. By the five to six-month mark, they transform into confident CEOs of their businesses. Witnessing their growth and flourishing is incredibly gratifying.

[Q] Can you share practical strategies for overcoming self-limiting beliefs?


 Certainly. Dealing with self-limiting beliefs begins with recognizing and acknowledging them. It’s crucial to understand that the doubts and fears within us often originate from lessons learned in childhood. Contrary to what many believe, these aren’t innate responses; they’re rooted in outdated and ingrained beliefs that we’ve picked up from early influences like parents, school, and peers. These beliefs continue to influence our decisions well into adulthood.


To address these limiting beliefs, developing self-awareness is key. Learn to identify when a negative thought enters your mind and question its accuracy. Understand that these thoughts often don’t reflect reality. Then, consciously work on reframing these thoughts. For instance, if you catch yourself thinking, “I can’t do this because I lack the skills,” challenge it with, “I will do this because I can acquire the necessary skills.” Flip it around.


In my own life, I’ve adopted a rule not to believe any negative thought that enters my mind. It wasn’t always easy, but once I realized that negative beliefs are rarely based on reality, I started emphasizing positive thinking. When a negative belief arises, I immediately counter it with its exact opposite. This shift in mindset has had a transformative impact on my life.

[Q] How does maintaining a positive mindset benefit business professionals during tough times or setbacks?


 Embracing a positive mindset fundamentally changes how you approach difficult situations. When you understand that negativity often lacks a basis in reality and doesn’t reflect your true capabilities, something transformative happens. Situations that once triggered imposter syndrome or overwhelming feelings become less frequent or less impactful. 


It’s somewhat challenging to answer directly because, once you internalize the idea that you don’t need to live in fear and that fear is often built on falsehoods, these adverse situations lose their grip on you.


When you’ve reached a point where you instinctively respond to fear or false beliefs with confidence and self-assurance, there’s no room for doubt. You recognize your worth and competence without hesitation. This eliminates the hesitation and self-doubt that can hinder progress and resilience in the face of challenges or setbacks.


In essence, maintaining a positive mindset empowers business professionals to overcome adversity by reducing the impact of self-doubt and fear. It enables them to navigate challenges with greater confidence and resilience, leading to better outcomes.


[Q] Can a person with a fixed mindset develop a positive growth mindset?


 Absolutely, it’s one of the most challenging yet rewarding transformations. When working with someone who genuinely believes they are inadequate and incapable of achieving their goals, it can be heart-wrenching. However, I firmly believe that everyone has the capacity for positive growth.


Dealing with individuals deeply entrenched in self-doubt can be tough and emotionally taxing. It might feel frustrating when you can’t seem to help them see their worth. What I’ve learned is that it often involves patience and providing a safe space for them to express their fears and doubts. They need to vent and release some of that negativity until they reach a point of exhaustion with those negative beliefs.


Once they’ve let go of some of that negativity, they can start forming new thought patterns. It entails asking questions like “What if you can?” “What if it does work out?” “What if it doesn’t go as badly as you fear?” This transformation can be a lengthy process, varying from person to person, taking months in some cases, or just a day or two of continuous positive reinforcement and dismantling those negative beliefs.


I come across many individuals in situations like this, especially in the aftermath of challenges like those brought by COVID, where trauma and anxiety have become more prevalent. In such cases, my primary goal is to help them recognize their inherent worth as human beings. Every person has the fundamental right to feel good about themselves. This often involves peeling away layers of false beliefs. It’s important to note that I am not a therapist but someone who draws on my experiences to empower others to understand their worth.


While it may be difficult, it is entirely possible to help individuals shift from a fixed mindset to a more positive and growth-oriented one, even if it takes time and persistence.

[Q] What myths or misconceptions do you often encounter about your work in helping people?


 I frequently come across myths and misconceptions in the two distinct realms of aiding business growth and assisting individuals in overcoming self-doubt.


In the context of business growth, there’s often a misunderstanding that it’s all about implementing readily available tactics found online. In reality, success is not just about the tactics themselves, as most entrepreneurs are already familiar with them. The real key is in the ability to view problems from different perspectives and create customized strategies to overcome obstacles. Many of my clients face challenges like time constraints or financial limitations. What makes them successful is their skill in finding tailored solutions within these constraints. They’re not simply adopting generic ideas or pre-packaged programs and working on them until they succeed; they’re mastering adaptable strategies that they can apply throughout their entrepreneurial journey and life. So, the misconception here is that success relies solely on using well-known tactics when it’s truly about problem-solving and strategic thinking.


Similarly, when helping individuals conquer self-doubt, there’s a misconception that it’s primarily about boosting confidence or offering superficial affirmations. In reality, it involves teaching individuals to identify their own obstacles and empowering them to discover solutions. This process includes pinpointing the root causes of their self-doubt and helping them develop a framework for overcoming it. It’s about nurturing genuine self-belief, which goes beyond surface-level reassurances. Whether I’m addressing business growth or personal development, the core principle remains the same: recognizing obstacles and working to devise solutions tailored to each individual’s unique circumstances and challenges.

[Q] What inspires your approach to helping people?


 My inspiration for helping people is deeply rooted in my personal experiences, particularly a recent incident that had a profound impact on me. It involved a potential client who decided not to work with me due to a misalignment with his Christian values. He had learned about my past, including my history of multiple marriages, battles with alcoholism, and childhood trauma. His rejection left me feeling defeated and questioning whether I could ever escape the mistakes of my past. I was emotionally shaken for several days.


However, I eventually realized that these feelings were tied to false beliefs. In that conversation, he unintentionally touched on my vulnerabilities, stemming from childhood experiences where I had no control over hurtful comments. Seeking guidance from my mentor, he helped me see the situation differently. He pointed out that I had always feared someone confronting me about my past actions. I had mentally prepared myself for such a moment, rehearsing how I would respond with humility and a desire for healing.


My mentor made me realize that I had been hiding behind my past and not fully embracing my present self. I had concealed my true self because of the fear of rejection once people knew the real me. This fear wasn’t about seeking fame or riches; it was about my genuine desire to help others. I feared they wouldn’t see me as someone capable of assisting them.


This revelation has led me to adopt a new perspective. As you reach a certain level of what you perceive as success, you may still grapple with deep-seated self-limiting beliefs. Overcoming these beliefs and moving forward requires introspection and perseverance. I’ve come to understand that it’s an ongoing process, and I may never completely rid myself of all self-limiting beliefs. The key is to accept imperfection and continue striving to help others while being authentic and unapologetically myself.


In essence, my inspiration for helping people comes from my own journey of self-discovery, growth, and the desire to empower others to overcome their obstacles, regardless of the time it takes


[Q] How can individuals contact you?


 You can reach out to me through several social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. I host a group called “Accelerate Your Cleaning Business” on Facebook You can also visit my info page at or my website at These are the most convenient ways to get in touch with me and learn more about the services and support I provide. If you have any additional questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out through these channels.

Jeremy Baker is an Author and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine, covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.