Love’s pay-for-performance publishing agency joins the ranks of the world’s largest publishing companies Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins and Penguin Random House in leveraging the fastest growing segment of the global $143 billion dollar book market: audiobooks.
Previously, Love’s agency published books like other book publishers. The physical book was published first, then sales and marketing followed. The audiobook wasn’t even part of the initial publishing process. However that’s about to change.
“Audiobooks are the new gold standard; if published authors want to get an edge in 2019, they need to tap into this growth explosion of audiobooks,” said Love.
However, audiobooks are not a fad. Indeed, Amazon’s Audible leads the charge to acquire more audiobook publishing rights to secure their dominion in this fastest growing segment of the publishing industry. This is a strong indicator that audiobooks are here to stay.
Moreover, Jeff Bezos, billionaire founder of Amazon and it’s subsidiary audiobook company, Audible denounces strategy based on shiny objects.
“A company shouldn’t get addicted to being shiny because shiny doesn’t last,” stated Bezos.
Love agrees and confirms this new audiobook shift is a long-term strategy to streamline the overall publishing process for her clients…
When business professionals make the time and financial investment to become published authors, most do it for much more than marketplace accolades. The vast majority do it to achieve important bottom-line results. Specifically, to differentiate themselves, attract better clients, demand higher fees and spread their message. Unfortunately, the lion’s share of their books aren’t designed to deliver those desired results – so they get the accolades but not the anticipated return on investment.
According to Love, audiobooks give published authors a second chance to get it right.
In fact, many publishers are skipping the physical paperback and hardback books altogether, or publishing the physical versions after the audiobook is published. That means, even unpublished authors can take advantage of this new audiobook surge because they can publish an audiobook without first being the author of a physical book.
Further, even A-list authors are side-stepping print and publishing audiobook stand-alones to leverage this new audiobook wave. Indeed, this audiobook first, then physical book method is primed to be the new publishing normal and it’s the cornerstone of Love’s new Author Boost Project.
The Author Boost Project is for entrepreneurs who are already published authors of non-fiction books, but they want their book to produce more significant bottom-line results for their business. It’s also for other professionals who want to be a published author of a non-fiction book for the sole purpose of having a multi-purpose sales, marketing and branding tool to help them build their business based on their own core values.
Love declares, “For entrepreneurs, the purpose of being a published author is to make a big promise to a specific reader and to deliver on that promise within the pages of the book. That’s why I’m so excited about this new audiobook opportunity; it gives my publishing agency more freedom to align our authors with the success they want and specific results, not just the elite status of being a published author.”
Love believes this combination of core values content, focus on results and audiobook first publishing is paramount to making 2019 the best year ever for her agency, clients and readers.
Love’s strategies are not only theory as she’s a three-time Amazon Best Selling Author and has been delivering sales, marketing and publishing services for a combined fifteen years; and her clients recognize the results she produces…
“Christine spent a lot of time with me during our early stages of the interview to ensure we got the right result. If you would like someone to help you establish authority and attract clients then this I believe will be one of the best investments you can make,” remarked John Sullivan, author of 7 Secrets To Retargeting The Right Way.
“Christine has an incredible way to draw out what you know. I look back and say ‘was that me?’ but I know it was, such is the power she has to get at your knowledge,” said Darryl Smith, author of The New Managers Catch-22.
Oscar Calderon, author of The Client Magnet stated, “The process was smooth and it was literally hands-free. Christine is extremely kind, professional and helpful, guiding me all the way to the best-seller goal.”
To get details on the pay-for-performance publishing and media services or the new Author Boost Project, visit TrinityPublicationsGroup.com.