In this brand new book, Kim will be detailing how individuals can use eco-friendly, toxin-free, organic products to live a life with minimal to no waste. If protecting the environment is the lesson of the new book, Kim has already demonstrated to be sincere in teaching it.
Kim’s website Honest Miracle alone is home to Green Parent’s Natural Beauty Award 2019 recipient Organic Raw Black Soap. Kim’s commitment to an organic, toxin free lifestyle is cemented in the numerous orders she receives a day for the eco-friendly products found on her site. All the products found on her site are meant to help individuals eliminate waste and protect the environment in the process.
A mother of two, Kim is hoping that through this book, there are lessons that can be taught from parent to child about the importance of preserving our planet. Honest Miracle began as an act of defiance against the many major corporations that purchase chemical ridden disposable goods and sell them to the masses at quadruple the price. The site aims to provide the type of alternatives that make people conscious about the products they use each day. From organic reusable to health essentials, there is something for everyone at Honest Miracle.
The site’s Instagram page @honestmiracle is building a community of people concerned for the environment. There is no doubt that with this her upcoming book, Kim is further broadcasting her essential message and chronicling the hard work she is undertaking. In 2019 people have little to no excuse not to use the kind of products that can make a difference in environmental protection; these products are readily available.
Zero Waste Secrets: The Ultimate Guide Book For A Realistic Zero Waste Lifestyle is a book sorely needed it, in a time where industries continue to push their agendas.
Everyone can make a difference; sometimes, it only takes one person to stand up.
About Kim Calera: Kim Calera is an entrepreneur broadcasting a message of eco-friendly nature.
Kim’s site Honest Miracle is an excellent example of the stores of the future, the places where individuals can find the products they need, in an eco-friendly, toxin-free version. Kim’s brand new book Zero Waste Secrets: The Ultimate Guide Book For A Realistic Zero Waste Lifestyle is only the start of a greater push-back from the entrepreneur against corporations looking to take advantage of others.
The future is in our hands; we do with it as we wish.