Andrew Kopec was a highly successful Market Trader at Barclays Capital for 16 years, dealing in multi-billion dollar transactions on a daily basis before making the life choice to abandon the markets and set up his own bank to help develop infrastructure in third world countries building schools, hospitals and missionary centers. He named the bank INRI, the sign on the top of a cross which stands for “Jesus Christ, King of the Jews.”
Kopec has developed a high yield arbitrage trading program and issued a prospectus for potential investors. Proceeds from the program will be used to expand the banks product lines and profits will be applied to the missionary projects. Kopec says, “I got to the point where I was doing really well and didn’t need more money. I had my life set, my financials sorted and I decided there’s not much point in carrying on in the markets. That’s when I made the life choice to serve the people and my God at the same time and I set up INRI Bank to bring people to faith and to also help provide funds to develop the infrastructure and develop their countries.”
The idea of High Yield Investment Programs has been around for years, and describes a non-traditional investment, not advertised to the public that reportedly produce very high-yielding returns and circulated mostly through “internet brokers and fraudsters”; promising outrageous returns of as high as 100% per week, without risk. These programs are essentially Ponzi schemes, an investment scam that promises unsustainably high return on investment by paying previous investors with the money invested by new investors. Most often these scams work from anonymous offshore bases which make them hard to track down.
According to Kopec, “There’s a lot of misinformation in the market about these trading programs or private placement programs that can yield 80, 90 to 100% a week. It’s an absolute fallacy and I don’t know who put it out there. The problem is it causes investors who do have funds to now want to invest in something that makes as much as 100% a week. It’s made big investors think there’s some kind of pie in the sky, but it’s just not true!”
A recent New York Federal Reserve scam alert confirms Kopec’s assertions: “For more than a decade, the Federal Reserve has been warning the public about fraudulent investment schemes that go by various names, but generically are known as High Yield Investment Programs. These schemes continue to be used to target innocent investors. The programs purport to be highly secretive and offer returns up to 100% per week. Employees of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve System will not offer investments to the general public. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve does not authorize, license, or sanction agents or traders to deal with the general public for High Yield Investment Programs.”
Kopec and other senior Market Traders do however agree that “higher yield investments” do exist. The problem is these “higher yield investments” often appear similar to the non-existent “high yield investment programs” but they are different and lawful and usually highly profitable, yet nowhere near the 100% a week promised through the broker market. These investments are not represented to be wholly without risk and often there is no guarantee of production of profits.
Kopec has established a trading program that limits the risk for investors by having an insurance policy in place from a top world insurance company like Lloyds of London to guarantee repatriation of the original investment funds plus the interest payments. This kind of important investment safeguard has a price and is a cost of doing business resulting in a deduction from the bottom line to the investor; however it is well worth it to provide added certainty and increased safety of the investment.
We’ve all heard the maxim; “If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is” and as with all investment decisions you are advised to undertake full due diligence and check out facts and the people you will deal with before making any commitment.