Fad Diets are Bad Diets: Dr. Cooper Gets Clients Back to a Balanced Lifestyle

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Dr. Stacey Cooper wants you to know that diets don’t work. Not an easy message when statistics show that 45 million Americans go on a diet annually and 50 percent of them follow fad diets that promise quick results – often at the expense of good nutrition and health.

Yet this practicing chiropractor and holistic health and wellness expert has turned more than a few of those same people around to a balanced living approach. In doing so, she has created a business aptly named, Lifestyle Balance Solutions, that includes personal mentorship programs, online courses, a cookbook, and various other supporting products and programs. She is also the author of the international bestseller, What’s Self Love Got to Do With It?, and will launch, her follow-up book, Heal Your Health on May 9 – 11 in Toronto with noted author Raymond Aaron and Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame at the Power of Wow event.

The book was recently endorsed by bestselling author Bob Proctor who said, “Having studied the mind for more than 50 years, I can say with some certainty that Dr. Stacey’s book, Heal Your Health, is right on the mark. Healing in an inside job but it takes on even greater power when your body is fueled with what it needs to thrive. Mind is movement and your body is a manifestation of that movement.”

“My whole purpose is to arm my clients with the tools, information and motivation they need to enjoy their lives with enhanced vitality and better body function: without dieting,” Cooper said. “I learned these lessons the hard way and want to share the insights and solutions I uncovered so my clients can avoid or survive those same pitfalls.”

As a doctor and mother of four who is married to her childhood sweetheart, Cooper explained that many years ago, her hectic lifestyle and failure to take proper care of herself led to serious health issues. That was her wake-up call to change and she embraced “making my second chance count.”

Cooper says she has seen how confused and overwhelmed her patients and the public are when it comes to knowing how to lead a healthy life.

“What I teach is not a diet, and I, in fact, teach why diets do not work! I focus on helping clients learn how their bodies function on the inside. I also show them how to swap out bad fuels for great healthy fuels so their bodies can begin to function effectively and efficiently,” she said. “That is when healing begins and metabolism improves, resulting in effortless weight loss.”

Many of her clients gush over the results they have seen. According to Barb, 50, Dr. Cooper enabled her to change her life: “​Dr. Cooper showed me some stretches to do at home and gave me some healthy eating tips. Within two months I dropped 10 pounds and two pant sizes by cutting out “white” foods and dairy. Prior to visiting her I felt bloated all the time and was always tired. I learned more about healthy eating, was introduced to hemp hearts and vowed to give up my one Pepsi that I drank every day. I also learned to keep positive and not to beat myself up if I make a bad lifestyle or eating choice.”

To order a copy of Cooper’s new book, Heal Your Health – Nourishing Your Mind, Body and Spirit Naturally, visit HealYourHealthBook.com, or contact the author at drstacey@drstaceycooper.com or 519.754.0183. To find out more about Dr. Stacey Cooper and Lifestyle Balance Solutions, go to DrStaceyCooper.com.

Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.