Expert Business Growth Strategist Charlie Lyons Announces New Authority Marketing Agency

Authority building is the first step to creating a solid business foundation, according to business growth strategist Charlie Lyons of Alpha Oracle. Alpha Oracle recently announced the launching of its new authority marketing agency, Authority Aftershock. “Becoming a nationally recognized authority has been reported to open doors, increase business and present greater opportunities,” says Lyons, creator of Authority Aftershock, which guarantees its clients will be featured on major online media outlets including ABC, NBC, FOX and CBS.

“Authority building can work for anybody, even a start-up,” says Lyons. “You can leverage authority building and authority marketing from day one; you don’t need to be in business for any length of time for it to give you incredible positioning. Authority Marketing helps you get the momentum you need to grow your business with velocity.” Full services will launch May 1, but until that time, Authority Aftershock is offering its Authority Tremor media exposure plan, which includes a one-on-one interview with a media-trained journalist, an article of up to 500 words about your chosen topic and submission to Authority Aftershock’s media resources with complete reporting on media placement.

Lyons details several ways to leverage the media exposure Authority Aftershock promises, which may include showcasing the media coverage received on marketing collateral both online and offline. For example, businesses and experts might display their new media exposure on their websites and other online digital assets including Social Media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube). Other ideas include use in printed or digital brochures, email signatures, business cards, direct mail and other marketing collateral.

“Charlie delivers 1000%,” says Authority Aftershock client, Amir Harouni. “Trust in him and allow him to bring his magic to your business the way only he can,” he added. Harouni is CEO at Visible Markets and is a Digital and Video Marketing Expert. He has worked with Charlie Lyons on several projects and has been featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX and CBS as a result of working with the marketing team at Authority Aftershock.

Founded in 2004, Alpha Oracle is a marketing agency located in Las Vegas, Nevada that delivers marketing solutions, business development, and lead generation to companies nationwide. Authority Aftershock is a division of Alpha Oracle which specializes in providing authority and public relations marketing services for maximum media exposure and superior market positioning. To learn more about Authority Aftershock visit:

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