Nearly five years after the Great Recession, the U.S. and world economies are still feeling the blowback. Indications from economists, journalists, politicians, and pundits alike allude to economic resurgence since the meltdown in 2009, but with the glut of candidates that were and continue to be on the job market, employers have become picky in ways that few would’ve imagined possible even a decade ago. A perhaps unintended consequence of this corporate selectivity is that entrepreneurialism is at an all-time high, with USA Today and Gallup both reporting that Americans are increasingly fed up with the corporate line.
Consequently, former employees are striking out on their own in unprecedented numbers, and two former employees turned entrepreneurs saw this trend coming and prepared for it. Brad Campbell and Dan Klein developed and launched as a solution to corporate dissatisfaction as well as misguided entrepreneurial instruction. By recognizing that people don’t want to work for a corporate machine, and equally that the ‘Use Google to Work From Home’ ads everyone gets in their inbox and in Facebook ads was doing a would-be entrepreneur a serious disservice, Campbell and Klein realized early on that with the surge of entrepreneurs, many wouldn’t be successful in making the transition from corporate life to being their own boss.
They were right: according to recent articles in both and Bloomberg, the entrepreneurial startup failure rate stands at an astounding 80%. Thus, utilizing their own unique framework and underpinned by Sales Guru Jay Abraham’s strategies, Campbell and Klein are helping their students shift from drone to king of the castle, and helping those students surpass their competition in the process.’s fundamentals are bare-bones and designed for the truly motivated and entrepreneurial at heart and mind: “It’s a new, unorthodox coaching experience that teaches a predictable, repeatable, long-term internet business model – one that’s capable of generating job-replacing income,” noted Campbell in a recent interview.
Campbell and Klein are evidently on a roll, as their student base sits at approximately 200 and continues to grow as word spreads of’s precious entrepreneurial training. “It’s official. I put in 2 weeks last Friday,” raved Josh Matthews in a recent FB post. “. . . Walking away from a Fortune 15 company where I was the youngest inside sales manager in company history. The information taught in this course is enough for me to make this decision,” Matthews continued, adding, “Having a 9-5 was the last and only thing that was standing in my way to breaking free to the entrepreneurial freedom.”
To learn more about Campbell and Klein’s, visit the company’s website.