Michael Scott Novilla, is saving Small businesses and Entrepreneurs from failure with the Entrepreneur Social Club.
“One of the biggest challenges for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners is connecting with other business owners that can positively support and promote a business’ success. Many entrepreneurs get held back by fear, take advice from the wrong people, or just make silly yet costly mistakes.” said Novilla. “ I want to give entrepreneurs access to people and advice that they would normally not have access to because of their limited budgets, connections or stage of business.”
Kevin Harrington, Entrepreneur and As Seen On Tv Chairman echoes “By definition startups usually do not turn a profit and people need to be realistic when evaluating their business ideas.”
Harrington continued to state that “putting your idea out there for analytical review early and frequently can dramatically increase the success of your business”. Hence the success of Shark Tank and the various new entrepreneur or inventor pitch groups across the USA.
Novilla said “Entrepreneurial Social Club is the support network that I wish I had when I was starting my companies. The lessons I learnt from mistakes cost me a lot of time, money and frustration, and I just hope to save other entrepreneurs from making the same mistakes. By providing entrepreneurs with access to leaders and experts in their field can dramatically increase the success of these startups and that means helping entrepreneurs and their families in many important ways.”
Entrepreneur Social Club runs their own version of Shark Tank called SuperNOVA and these sessions examine and rip-apart an entire business from the ground up to ensure that business has the highest chance for success. From branding to how they are making money and finding clients these sessions have proven to bring positive results to these local businesses.
If you want more information about the Entrepreneur Social Club you can visit www.EntrepreneurSocialClub.com or follow all their activities via social media.