Elizabeth Patric – The Benefits Of Life Force Energy And Emotional Accord

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Elizabeth Patric, an evidence-based healer, was interviewed recently on The Optimal Health Radio Show (available on the iHeartRadio network, Stitcher, YouTube, iTunes and Spreaker) or online at: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/the-optimal-health-show/ about the benefits of life force energy.

Tamara “Tami” Patzer, host of The Optimal Health show featuring conversations with today’s cutting health and wellness professionals interviewed Patric about life force energy. Patzer is also the host/executive producer for Women Innovators Radio and The Thought Leaders show featured on Business Innovators Network and Daily Success Media Network.

Elizabeth Patric is widely known as a bio-field energy practitioner and has been practicing since 1997. She is also sought after for her abilities to evaluate the energetic totality of her clients and prescribe flower essence remedies and other holistic medicines. Elizabeth owns Spiritwater Gardens where she co-creates flower and gemessence combinations that address her client’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and transformational challenges.

Patric graduated with a degree in Plant Ecology in 1975 and continued with graduate studies in Landscape Architecture. She immersed herself in tantric studies from 1978 – 2008, studying with many renowned teachers from all over the world. She completed the most challenging Yoga Alliance 500 teaching level and started her own Northwood’s Yoga School in 1995, certifying many of her students to teach yoga.

In 2010, Elizabeth had the honor of meeting Mahendra Kumar Trivedi at Deepak Chopra’s first ever Sages and Scientist’s Conference. She was immediately struck by the over 4000 scientific studies that Trivedi had undertaken, in the areas of human health, agriculture, microbiology, genetics and material science. She instantly knew that she wanted to study with Trivedi and immersed herself with every program that the Trivedi Organization offered.

Patric is the author of both FLOWERSPEAK – The Flower Whisperer’s Guide to Health, Happiness and Awakening and a manual on a form of energy healing entitled LaHoChi – High Frequency Hands-on Healing. She has presented and facilitated many workshops. Currently she is passionate about continued scientific research with Mahendra Trivedi.

To learn more about Patric, visit her website online at: http://www.spiritwatergardens.com.

To listen to the radio show, visit: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/elizabeth-patric-the-benefits-of-life-force-energy-and-emotional-accord/.

Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer

Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer is a Best Selling Author, host of Women Innovators Radio, Business Innovators Radio, and Executive Producer of the Daily Success® Media Network. She is an Independent Publisher of the Best-Selling Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers, and Givers - Women Who Make A Daily Difference Book Series. Tamara is also a contributor to Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, Thrive Global and Medium covering Influencers, Innovators, and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance, and Personal Development. She is the creator of Beyond the Best Seller Marketing Systems for authors.