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Skincare expert, Dr. Keira Barr, MD was recently interviewed on The Optimal Health Radio Show about her new internationally best-selling book The Skin Whisperer: A Dermatologist Reveals How to Look Younger, Radiate Beauty and Live the Life You Crave. In her new book, Dr. Barr shares a groundbreaking and surprisingly simple approach that redefines skincare. Dr. Barr leads readers step-by-step through easy-to-follow evidence-based approaches that have helped her clients boost their energy, look younger and gain confidence by creating healthier skin.
The host of The Optimal Health Show, Tamara “Tami” Patzer, spoke with Dr. Barr about how women should care for their skin. She explained, “Recently, I’d noticed some age-related changes to my skin and I wasn’t as happy with my looks. My own unhappiness unconsciously communicated itself to the people around me. I literally noticed that I didn’t have as many people coming up to me and talking with me at conferences and I wondered why for a while. Someone literally thought I had a black eye before I realized I needed to do something! I researched skincare for the first time since I was a teenager. Sure, I’d been using sunscreen (I’m from Florida after all) and over the counter, drug store face cream forever, but clearly, I needed to do something different. I found a book by a dermatologist, Dr. Keira Barr that really broke down how our skin ages and offered simple, step-by-step things I could do to take care of my skin, before going to the doctor’s office! I was inspired by Dr. Barr to take control of my appearance and not run from my age, but embrace it and focus on being healthy inside and out instead of just slathering wrinkle cream and sunscreen on without much thought.”
After finding her book, Patzer wanted to share Dr. Barr’s message of easy skincare at any age with her listeners on The Optimal Health Radio Show. Optimal Health radio is available on the iHeartRadio network, Stitcher, YouTube, iTunes and Spreaker) or online at: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/the-optimal-health-show/. Patzer also is host/executive producer for Women Innovators Radio and The Thought Leaders show featured on the Business Innovators Network and Daily Success Media Network.
Dr. Barr shared with listeners, “I teach women to understand and interpret the skin’s ability to communicate the body’s needs and desires.”
Whether she’s lecturing on Dermatopathology to a classroom of aspiring med students, speaking to the California State Department of Health on sun safety, or educating a small group of moms about easy ways to help their families live healthier lives, Dr. Barr is an engaging, warm, and inspiring speaker. Her impeccable professional credentials are balanced by her compassionate approach to sensitive topics. She brings the latest information in integrated health research and presents it in an understandable, friendly manner.
To learn more about Dr. Barr’s skincare program, visit her website at: https://www.chooseresilience.com/.
To purchase her new book The Skin Whisperer: A Dermatologist Reveals How to Look Younger, Radiate Beauty and Live the Life You Crave visit: https://www.amazon.com/Skin-Whisperer-Dermatologist-Reveals-Younger-ebook/
About Dr. Keira Barr, MD
Dr. Barr believes that everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their skin — and that the potential to do so exists inside each one of us. When we feel confident and comfortable in our skin, we make better choices in our lives. That’s why Dr. Barr is dedicated to harnessing the power of self-awareness and self-confidence to transform the choices we make every day that impact our health, relationships and businesses.
She works to empower people, organizations and communities to nourish their skin and their minds as part of their journey towards resilient health. As an international best-selling author, speaker, leader, and educator in her field, Dr. Barr is a cutting edge, dual board-certified dermatologist, who is known as an innovative thinker. She shares her expertise as a domain subject matter expert, advisor to numerous start-ups, editor of multiple leading medical journals and researcher in ongoing clinical trials. As the Chief Wellness Officer of Resilient Health Institute (RHI), by embracing what is on the surface as well as what’s below it, she is redefining the delivery of skincare.
To reach Dr. Barr’s office, call (916) 220-7055 or email drbarr@chooseresilience.com.
Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer
Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer is a Best Selling Author, host of Women Innovators Radio, Business Innovators Radio, and Executive Producer of the Daily Success® Media Network. She is an Independent Publisher of the Best-Selling Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers, and Givers - Women Who Make A Daily Difference Book Series. Tamara is also a contributor to Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, Thrive Global and Medium covering Influencers, Innovators, and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance, and Personal Development. She is the creator of Beyond the Best Seller Marketing Systems for authors.