Dr. Chase Bennet, San Diego Sleep Apnea Dentist, Says May Is Sleep Better Month

Dr. Chase Bennet of the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of San Diego wants everyone to sleep well this month and every month. “We know there is no greater contribution to adult’s and children’s general health and well-being than the right amount of truly restful and restorative sleep,” says Dr. Bennett. “Sleeping well is the most important factor for development and growth, focusing and thinking clearly, looking and feeling younger, and healing faster. Simply put, good sleep is the most important step to being and doing your best. At the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre, we are dedicated to helping patients be and feel their best.”

‘Better Sleep Month’, May 2014, is the perfect time to evaluate and improve sleep. It is important to know some of the symptoms of sleep apnea. For adults, common symptoms include snoring, frequent nighttime awakenings, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, morning headaches, teeth grinding, heartburn and GERD. Children often experience ADHD/ADD/learning disability symptoms, bed wetting, teeth grinding, restless sleep and snoring.

Understanding the risks of untreated sleep apnea for adults and developing children is important too. These include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Deadly accidents can be the result of undiagnosed, untreated sleep apnea as seen in recent news reports of a train driver suffering from sleep apnea. http://news.yahoo.com/train-driver-york-crash-killed-four-had-sleep-154421927–finance.html.

Take the test – You should be evaluated by a trained professional if you meet one of the following:

1. You do not wake feeling refreshed and rested.
2. You often experience morning headaches.
3. You or your sleep partner identify that you choke, gasp or stop breathing during sleep.
4. You fall asleep while driving a vehicle and while having conversations.

Watch and listen to your child – They should be evaluated if they meet any of the following:

Do they wake in the same position in which they fell asleep? Are the bed sheets strewn all over the bed? Do they have trouble concentrating, or become agitated? Do they have dark circles under the eyes? Do they snore? The American Association of Pediatrics “Patient Parameters” state all children should be screened for snoring and all children who snore should have a sleep study for evaluation of apnea because of ADD/ADHD and cardiovascular risk.

The TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of San Diego is a leader in dental sleep medicine for adults and children suffering with structural airway dysfunctions, sleep breathing disorders, and sleep apnea. They believe proper diagnosis and emphasis on origin rather than symptoms is the key to successful treatments. They are dedicated exclusively to the non-surgical treatments of craniofacial pain, TMJ disorders, airway and sleep breathing disorders, snoring and sleep apnea. They provide state-of-the-art technologies in a friendly and caring environment.

For more information contact the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of San Diego by phone at 619-466-2774 or by visiting: http://tmjtherapycentre.com/sandiego/.