Deps P/L of Australia, pipe specialist and the original designer and manufacturer of PVC bore casing and column.
The Ideology behind the design and manufacture of the Pvc Column was to overcome corrosion issues, as Deps have recognizes that Borecasing has gone from a life expectancy of 15 years plus to under 2 years when using conventional steel column.
Pump owners face a huge cost to replace their pump column after it has corroded out, depending on the depth of pump and size of column the cost will run into $10’s of thousands of dollars, Deps states, “By using Pvc column or stainless steel it will outlive you or your bore”.
Blue scope steel states “Corrosion in ground will accelerate with, acid soils, presence of soluble salts, high bacteria concentration and low resistivity soils”.
With the changing of ground conditions the above factors will have a major effect on the lifetime of steel pipes underground. By replacing the steel column or Borecasing with a material that is not affected, or has a greater resistance to the ground conditions, will have a major effect on the lifetime of the bore casing or column in the ground.
The two materials that have proved to be highly successful are Pvc and Stainless steel. The advantage of Pvc is the cost of the material, The advantage of stainless steel pipe is the extra depth it can be set to.
The PVC Column has been used for well over 10 years in Queensland and Victoria by many pump installers without any issues, PVC Borecasing has been used for nearly 30 years in bores all round Australia and overseas.
Mr D Kallady a farmer from Gippsland Victoria states that his pump runs very smooth and since he replaced his steel column which only lasted just over 2 years, there have been no signs of problems approx 8 years later.
Mid Murray machinery from Victoria stated “8” Pvc column was successfully installed to over 42m”. 10 years on no one has heard one mention of a problem.
If you would like to know how you can extend the life of your bore before it’s too late, you can call or contact www.deps.com.au