Can people really get a mouth full of dentures done in only one day? Local Cypress, Texas Dentures & Dental Services® of Cypress Practice Manager, Mark Hylton explains how it is quite possible to have teeth removed and dentures made and properly fitted, helping patients go home with a brand new smile all in just one day.
Some people may wonder how it could be possible for anyone to go to their dentist, have several or all of their old, crooked, unhealthy, loose teeth removed and have new dentures made for them all in a single day. The truth is, that is quite possible and very often the best way for many patients to take care of what has been months or years of discomfort and anguish over dealing with continual pain from unhealthy and loose teeth.
DDS Dentures & Dental Services has been in business for over 25 years and has offices in 39 cities in 5 different states. Over the years DDS has developed and refined an extremely efficient process for managing patient care. The DDS offices are able to meet all of their patient’s required needs with all necessary facilities including a lab at each location.
Cypress, Texas area Dentures & Dental Services of Cypress Practice Manager, Mark Hylton shares how their “Same Day Dentures” service and process works. Hylton has worked in the dental industry for years and has refined the art of smooth management in helping numerous patients at one time through their entire dental process comfortably, effectively and efficiently.
Dentures & Dental Services of Cypress takes pride in keeping up with the latest technology and has on site digital imaging, enabling them to clearly identify any and all of their patient’s needs and then view it on a computer monitor. With digital imaging, exposure time is about 50 percent less when compared to traditional radiographs which is better for patients. After a thorough exam by a highly qualified dentist, a treatment plan for the patient is developed.
For “Same Day Dentures,” the process is as follows:
The patient will come into the office around 8:00 AM and have impressions made of their mouth. If the patient needs teeth extracted they can have them removed later in the day, usually early in the afternoon. Since DDS also has a full lab in each office they are able to create the new dentures within a few hours of making the impressions. Once a patient’s extractions are done, the new dentures will have already been made and can be delivered and fitted directly after their surgery.
For “Same Day Replacement Dentures” the process is slightly different:
The patient will come in around 8:00 AM to have their impressions made. Then they will return around 10:30 to 11:00 AM for a Wax Try in Phase for proper fitting. Once that is done, the patient will return once more around 3:30 to 4:30 PM for their denture delivery.
Usually, when dental patients need to have numerous extractions and dentures made it can take days or even weeks. This is due to the fact that many dental offices are only able to provide some of the necessary services and have to send the denture molds out to a lab to actually make the dentures. Once the dentures are made they need to be properly fitted and sometimes must be sent out again.
DDS Offices can perform the extractions, make the molds and create the new dentures, helping their patients throughout the entire process of meeting their dental needs. By having their patients come in early in the morning for their extractions and then come back a few hours later in the day to have their new dentures fitted, patients can go home at the end of the day with a beautiful new smile.
Dentures & Dental Services practices a wide scope of general dentistry with expertise ranging from full replacement dentures, immediate dentures and dental implants to crowns and bridges, root canals and fillings and restorations.
Dentures & Dental Services also offers Sedation Dentistry which benefits the patients as follows:
- Treatment is completed when patients are in a more relaxed mood.
- You will have less difficulty sitting through a lengthy procedure.
- Multiple treatments and full mouth restorations can occur during the same visit.
- Less discomfort after treatment.
Dentures & Dental Services of Cypress is located at:
8514 Hwy 6 N
Cypress, Texas 77095
For further information, visit the website at http://locations.dentalservice.net/cypress-dentures or call the office at (281) 463-6422. You can also send an email to manager@cypress.dentalservice.net.