Latest Stories in "Culture & Society"

An Interview with Lydie Cerantola-Eid

Tell us about your journey! What led you to publishing Expanded Numerology?   I keep on seeing people asking questions about recurring times or number sequences that they keep on seeing everywhere. That was me 20 years ago, and the guidance from the Angel Numbers led me nowhere.   Answers came through 3 years ago when I […]

Father Knows Best

What do you want to be when you grow up? As a child and later as a mom, this has been a frequent conversation starter in my home. I personally wanted to be a psychiatrist, but when we started exploring careers in school, I realized it would require a medical focus. I can’t deal with […]

There’s Just Something About Sisters

Whether you grew up with a brother or sister, or maybe multiple siblings, those with whom you share parents (and sometimes a room with!) create a bond that is not usually easily broken. Sometimes you fight like cats and dogs, sometimes you are the best of friends. And then there are those friends who ARE […]

4 Simple Tips for Managing Feelings of Isolation

Isolation, seclusion, remoteness – all words that reveal the need for other human interaction in our lives. Withdrawing into a world with limited interaction can be taxing on our mental health. We desire friendships and relationships because we want to feel connected to someone. We crave that encouragement from a friend or warm embrace from […]

How to Declutter Your Home Without Losing Your Mind

Do you have multiple containers of the same spice because you can never find what you need? Do your bathroom drawers refuse to close? Do your closet doors refuse to stay latched no matter how hard you lean on them? Is the floor in your kids’ rooms completely hidden? Are bookshelves overflowing and at risk […]

Klen App: 4 Shifts in Consumer Behavior That Could Long Outlast the Pandemic

4 Shifts in Consumer Behavior That Could Long Outlast the Pandemic At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in the U.S., restrictions, supply chain disruptions and health concerns pushed consumers to change how they shopped, worked, traveled, ate, learned and interacted with one another. Nearly a year on, as consumers have tried new products and services […]

MT2 Firing Range Services Announces “The Range Guru” for Firing Range Owners

As part of their Firing Range Safety and Lead Management Thought Leadership Series for Law Enforcement, Military, Municipal, and Private gun ranges, MT2 Firing Range Services has launched “The Range Guru”. This learning portal is focused on helping shooting range owners and managers who face the problem of understanding the complex compliance requirements of lead management as […]

Violeta Lucce Silk Masks Allow People To Breathe Easily And Look Beautiful

Violeta Lucce brand continues to spread its global message and create awareness about plastic pollution in the oceans by creating exquisite and natural silk masks for women, men, and children. Each mask is one of a kind, hand-painted on luxurious charmeuse silk and signed by the artist, has become a small luxury with huge benefits […]

Douglas Kruger Interviewed About His New Book Release: “Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good – How to Identify, Debunk and Dismantle Dangerous Ideas”

After writing books on personal wealth Kruger discovered that there are two sets of answers to the problem of poverty. Douglas became fascinated by the idea of how families and individuals can escape inter-generational cycles of poverty. He found that, on the one hand, folks are served a set of politically correct ideas about what […]

Jill Vitale-Aussem, President and CEO of The Eden Alternative Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Radio Show About Her New Book, “Disrupting the Status Quo of Senior Living: A Mindshift.”

A recent interview with Jill Vitale-Aussem, President and CEO of The Eden Alternative®, reveals the challenges and triumphs of her own journey as the Executive Director of a senior living community. Prior to working for The Eden Alternative, she experienced firsthand the empowerment that communities practicing this approach offer older people, as compared to traditional, […]

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