Candi Eduardo became an Amazon Bestselling Author when she was featured in a multi-author book that hit the #1 Amazon Bestseller List on launch day in October 2019. Amazon listed the book as Number 1 among all Teen & Young Adult Business & Economics eBooks and Number 2 among all 90-minute Business & Money Short Reads. The book also hit the Number 1 Hot New Release List in the 90-Minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads category.
The book provides lessons and useful insights for women and teen girls by highlighting the personal and professional journeys of 8 women business owners, authors, speakers and community leaders who have overcome life’s challenges and are now using their story, mission and platform to transform thousands of lives. The book is organized in an easy to read Question and Answer format that provides answers to the most common questions asked by their loyal followers, prospective clients and members of the press.
Candi Eduardo is the Founder of Finding Faith Within, a non-profit located in Dallas, Texas.
The mission for Finding Faith Within is to provide advice, and a support group for women and teenagers ages 17 and up that have been or are in an abusive relationship. Her organization also works with parents who had children present during the abuse by teaching them ways they can help their children cope with change, communicate how they feel and create a new lifestyle that effects positive change for the whole family.
When Candi Eduardo was a victim of abuse, she didn’t know what resources were available or if she was able to talk to someone that has been through what she had gone through. It was important for Candi to tell the world her story and let women know that if she can overcome what she has gone through, they can too. From this, Finding Faith Within was born. She shares more of her personal story in the new book.
“Women Who Inspire Greatness: 8 Powerhouse Women Share Their Stories on Overcoming Challenges, Achieving Success and Finding Joy in Business and Life” is available on Amazon in an eBook and paperback version at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YYJN89Q/.
Launching Leaders Publishing Group has partnered with FindingFaithWithin.org to pledge 100% of the royalties from the retail sales of the book to be donated to Finding Faith Within, which helps support women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence secure safe shelter and resources. The organization also teaches self-worth, healthy boundaries, goal-setting, leadership and more to today’s youth girls between ages 12-18.
To learn more about Candi Eduardo and her organization Finding Faith Within, visit www.findingfaithwithin.org.