C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S. ~ Mentoring Creates Change Book Signing and Memories In A Mansion Launch Party is August 1 at Villa Woodbine



Michele Vismaya Rubin and Diana Aldereguia

Michele Vismaya Rubin is a Best-Selling author, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, and founder of Living in GRATITUDE Today. After twenty years of teaching at

Miami-Dade high school, she took a leave of absence to focus on the GRATITUDE Movement she founded. She learned that when we practice gratitude and create Moments of GRATITUDE we open the door for more happiness, joy, productivity, and stronger connections with the people around us. Now, she is on a mission to share the benefits of a Gratitude Practice — how to start one, and most importantly how to maintain it during difficult times. Vismaya teaches about gratitude at both live events and live webinars all over the United States.  Visit LivingInGratitudeToday.com 

Book Signing Event
The book will be published with a book signing and meet the author event at Villa Woodbine in Coconut Grove from 7 p.m.. to 10 p.m. August 1, 2019. To get details, go to Facebook.com “Memories in a Mansion TM” Tickets are $40 and limited.
For information, email: Diana@MemoriesinaMansion.org

“Within the national foster care system young children get Moved and ReMoved from house to house without any consideration as to what is in their best interest until the age of 18., explains Diana Aldereguia, founder of Memories in a Mansion, a nonprofit organization. “They NO longer receive any financial or emotion support once they turn 18 and are left to their own devices without any life skills. Young women aging out of the system end up on the streets, get pregnant, are often abused, trafficked, or end up in jail.”

What is Memories in a Mansion?
Memories In A Mansion is going to change all that by providing these young women an in-house leadership academy where they will be housed and provided the emotional, personal, and skill-based tools needed to transition into a self-supportive environment. Diana says, “These young women will build their confidence and inter-personal skills for interviewing and networking, while identifying individual strengths and career tracks, and ample business skills. We are giving them a new start at life!”

For more infomation, visit: http://www.MemoriesinaMansion.org

Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer

Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer is a Best Selling Author, host of Women Innovators Radio, Business Innovators Radio, and Executive Producer of the Daily Success® Media Network. She is an Independent Publisher of the Best-Selling Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers, and Givers - Women Who Make A Daily Difference Book Series. Tamara is also a contributor to Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, Thrive Global and Medium covering Influencers, Innovators, and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance, and Personal Development. She is the creator of Beyond the Best Seller Marketing Systems for authors.