Businesses and Professionals See Exponential Personal and Professional Growth Utilizing Carol A Santella’s The 5 Senses Business Model Which Has Seen Unheard Of Success

Years of health, business and communications background culminated into The 5 Senses Business Model TM developed by Carol A Santella. Several multidisciplined health and business clients, years ago, dubbed Santella “the business MD ” due to her passionate and sincere caring and seemingly inherent way of asking just the “right questions.” Questions that repeatedly offer an open and comfortable sharing of a business owner’s “whys” for opening their business, discussions about dreams, legacies, who they’d like to serve, the impact and reach they’d like to have, their frustrations and successes in their personal and professional lives, as well as the many concerns of doing business in today’s complex world that owners, practitioners and professionals face.

It’s an interesting and very clever model. Santella has taken the 5 senses and certainly incorporated them into a model that has shown tremendous and repeated success in multiple businesses in varying fields.

Santella shared that “with the 5 Senses Model TM, all avenues of a business from the message, branding, image, quality assurance, bottom line, customer service, publicity, offers, products and services, leverage ability, scalability to the integrity and personality of the individual and that of the business itself are addressed and more, leading to increased revenue, happier owners, staff, clients, customers and patients. It becomes a win- win -win. I have to say that this model has become one that has shown me the most smiles, happy faces and hearts and consistent increased revenues for each client, with their visibility and 3rd party credibility skyrocketing.”

Paul Block, a long time client of Santella’s shared: “ Its’ never easy to open up about the stresses we experience or the many questions we have as business owners, where our companies or practices are headed; if they are and whether or not we would like to stay small or grow or be able to leverage what it is we have established already. Carol makes it easy and consistently delivers excellent and fast results.”

This business model surrounds the premise that whether it’s the heart or physical and emotional well being of an individual or the heart and functioning of a business or one’s practice, there is no difference. Santella shared: “a business has its own 5 senses and I’ve incorporated them into a model that works strategically and systematically. In my opinion, it goes without question, to genuinely care about and listen to a business owner or entrepreneur, ask the questions that inspire them to share comfortably and openly about their concerns, individually and professionally while being there for them every step of the way. It is the same whether it is a health client or a business client, thus the business MD they’ve dubbed me with. Helping people and businesses feel good and heal is what I do and incorporating the 5 senses makes all the difference.”

The foundation of a body, the heart and soul of a person and a business can be the best they can be with much good to be had all around if there was just more listening, caring, help, sharing of expertise and being there more. In turn, much growth and success would exist. It’s all part of the 5 Senses Business Model TM Santella has developed.

Carol A Santella has certainly placed a unique twist on what it takes for a business and individual to succeed in life and it appears, almost without effort.

Santella’s infamous signature: “Here’s to What Makes Your Heart Happy and Your Soul Smile.”

Find out more about the 5 Senses Business Model TM: 412-681-1105