Ben Bressington from BenBressington.com is helping business owners win in this bad economy by showing them how technology has changed the way we do business and communicate. Ben Bressington author of Game The System shares with Business owners how to stack the odds of success in their favor.
“To succeed in business in todays economy you need to be able to manufacture celebrity and position yourself and the authority in your market” said Ben Bressington. “Most business owners fail to design a customer experience or position themselves as an authority as they are building their business out of order which leads to their failure. Technology has changed the way we communicate and the average business fails to leverage credibility and authority in their communication. Business Owners first priority should be engaging their customers and captivating their attention so they want more. This process is made easier if you come from a position of authority and credibility. ”
Donald Trump, echoes this “When doing business, I make stars out of everyone”.
Trump elaborated that “building a business is about establishing yourself as the leader and authority and taking advantage of every press and media opportunity to establish yourself as the leader. Think big and don’t accept no as an answer this will open the doors of opportunity.”
Ben Bressington is making it easy for business owners to succeed establishing authority and helping business owners position themselves as industry thought leaders. “Social Media has changed the way you brand yourself and create authority. The problem is that most people didn’t get the email about this change” stated Ben Bressington “Authority is about positioning yourself as the leader and educating others first. Putting yourself out there to help and educate others to acheive success positions you as the leader in your industry You need to create a platform to communicate and share you message. I share with people how they can get position themselves as an authority in less than 72 hours.”
Bressington went on to say, “No-one is going to manage your brand for you. What most people fail to do is captalize on the opportunties that boost authority and credibility over time.”
Bressington is not just talking about theories but has been delivering these services to business owners for years.
Mark Podolsky, Real Estate Property Investor “My business increased 20% because of my consultations with Ben…Ben is a marketing genius, who can truly help you build a business…”
“I really believe that Ben Bressington will make a profound difference to how our business is perceived and packaged around the world…I really believe this will be impact-full” Jordan Belfort, Author, Wolf of Wall Street.
To learn more visit http://www.BenBressington.com