T. Allen Hanes, CEO of The Authority Syndicate Group, LLC., presents Best Selling Author award to Brian Fielkow on September 8th, 2016. Brian is an author, international speaker and the CEO of Jetco Delivery in Houston, Texas.
Brian Fielkow, hit #1 on the Amazon.com Best Sellers List on May 9th, 2016 with the book, Elite Business Leaders: Conversations with Elite Professionals. The book also ranked No. 1 in the Knowledge Capital and Ethics categories.
Elite Business Leaders is a series of books that provide Insights and Innovation from elite local business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals and community leaders.
Based on his 25 years of business leadership and firsthand experiences as a current business executive, Brian Fielkow, offers a unique approach to cultivating a healthy culture. Owner of Houston-based Jetco Delivery, he is the author of Driving to Perfection: Achieving Business Excellence by Creating a Vibrant Culture, a comprehensive guide for building strategic company culture. He has developed a proven formula that directly ties a company’s culture to its bottom line by empowering employees, managing and driving change, and distinguishing between values and priorities.
Brians latest book Leading People Safely: How to Win on the Business Battlefield is also available on Amazon.com.
For more information on Brian please visit http://www.brianfielkow.com/