Boost Your Business Today: The Four Pillars Secret to Success, Hits Three Amazon Best Seller Lists

The Local Marketer’s Association (TLMA) announced the book, “Boost Your Business Today: The Four Pillars Secret to Success,” reached number 2 on the Amazon Best Seller List in the “Business & Money”, Entrepreneur’s & Small Business”, and “Entrepreneur” categories.

This triple best-selling book features easy strategies for business owners.  There’s no denying that local businesses face a harsh economic climate these days.  To survive, a business must have a system for attracting and maintaining a steady stream of customers.  This book outlines just such a system.

“Based on fundamentals that been proven time and again to fuel growth, Boost Your Business: The Four Pillar Secret to Success is the result of the extensive experience and knowledge of The Local Marketers Association, a worldwide network of top local business experts dedicated to helping small business owners reach their maximum growth potential.  Explains Lori Snyder author and President of (TLMA); Members of TLMA are all local business owners themselves and know first-hand what it takes to survive and even grow when the going gets rough.”

No stranger to helping small business owners, Snyder an educator and advocate for her clients, was using internet marketing in 1996 to sell things to countries she had barely heard of and other business owners were asking her to help them “figure out this online marketing thing”, so she started holding workshops and teaching people what she knew…something that become her passion and has been her career for almost 20 years now.  Those workshops led to private consulting which led to ghost writing opportunities that reached millions of small business owners around the world.

“Lori Snyder, has just published, in my opinion, one of the most valuable introductory books available on marketing for local businesses, and you need to read it.

In her book, “Boost Your Business Today, The Four Pillars Secret To Success”, Lori identifies four key strategies that every successful company is consistently implementing to optimize its marketing investment, outperform its competition, and reach new levels of success.

“Lori’s taken the information and broken it down into an easy-to-read overview that provides an eye opening revelation that you do not have to have an enormous marketing budget to successfully compete in today’s marketplace.  You just need to know the secrets that, until recently, have only been available to the “big guys.” No matter what industry you’re in – real estate, retail, legal, medical, entertainment, hospitality, services, – by implementing a plan based around the four principles, you can create a very successful business.

Lori provides links to many resources to help get you on the right track.  After reading this book, I’m confident you’ll have new ideas and insights that will help grow your business.” Says Suzanne McIntosh, PSJ Enterprise

To get this book into the hands of as many business owners as possible, The Local Marketers Association is offering bound copies of “Boost Your Business Today: The Four Pillars Secret to Success” at no charge on its website here