Despite the slow economy, some local small business owners in Florida find the budget to support the military and have some fun doing it. On June 28th, The Village Golf Club in Royal Palm Beach, Fl. will be hosting the annual General A.A. Vandegrift Detachment Marine Corps League of Palm Beach County Golf Tournament.
Since its charter on November 11, 1973, the General A.A. Vandegrift Detachment 068 has supported Marines, FMF Corpsmen, local Veterans, their families and youth through various programs and fundraising events. They are active in the community, involved in such events as holiday and Veterans parades, providing Color Guard/Honor Guard for fallen Veterans, as well as assistance to Veterans and their families during their time of need. Members visit Veterans at the local VA Extended Care Unit on a weekly basis and provide other assistance through ice cream socials and meals at least once a month which are supported by the VA Staff.
The League works in conjunction with the local Marine Corps Recruiters and 4th ANGLICO, the local Marine Corps Reserve Unit to provide care packages as well as support in other forms for Marines, FMF Corpsmen and Veterans who have served or are currently serving in areas of conflict around the globe. For more than 25 years they have hosted an annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball for Marine Veterans as well as Active Duty and Reserve Marines. They raise funds for scholarship programs by hosting an annual Mess Night/Dining In for Military Veterans.
They also host an annual Golf Tournament, Spaghetti Dinner and Pig Roast as means to raise funds for the specific purpose of supporting servicemen and women, their families in times of need, as well as local youth activities. This year General A.A. Vandegrift Detachment Marine Corps League of Palm Beach County 2014 Annual Golf Tournament will be held June 28, 2014 at The Village Golf Club – 122 Country Club Drive, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411.
Many local businesses step up and sponsor a hole or donate prizes so the proceeds from the event can help support or local service men and women and their families. Jim Edge, Manager of Bobby Soles Propeller in West Palm Beach (a hole sponsor at this years tournament) says, “This is a great way to support our military families and have some fun at the same time.” He went on to say, “As Manager of Bobby Soles Propeller, the area’s leading marine propulsion shop, I see many current and retired Marine Corps customers throughout the year at our shop and I sometimes forget to thank them for their service and sacrifice in keeping our country safe. Sponsoring this event is a small thing in comparison. In case some of our military families are reading this, ‘THANK YOU!’.”
To find out more about this year’s tournament visit: http://www.thevillagegolfclub.com/events/.
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