Benell Nicole, helps women detox their life from the negativity, drama and pain of the past through The Confidence Cleanse Program.
“A change in self-perception will literally rock your world!” This is the motto of entrepreneur and workshop leader, Benell Nicole. It is a philosophy by which Nicole lives her life and a state of mind she shared with other women through the Confidence Cleanse live event held Sunday, March 23rd at the Courtyard Marriot in West Los Angeles, CA.
“The Confidence Cleanse is something I created out of a necessity,” Nicole explained. “It is based on my own personal experience and battles with the fearful, sabotaging, complaining, defensive, never-satisfied voice of my inner B***h.” The program is a three-stage mental and emotional detox journey to help women break through their shell and uncover, unblock and unleash the confidence to live their life at the fullest.
“I like to think of it as a revolutionary mind detox program that helps release emotional toxins and negative self talk,” Nicole said. “The big idea is to help women strengthen their spiritual and emotional muscles, as well as outsmart their inner drama queen.”
Nicole gives women the keys and the courage to be themselves. She helps them “cleanse” their spirit and mind from emotional obstacles which allows them to rediscover the power of their own voice, refine their quality of life, and become stronger, more interdependent women.
The idea came to Nicole from personal experience, her own ego that she tried to understand. “It was a part of me that I couldn’t get rid of,” she explained. “I went on a journey to uncover what that was and to learn how to coexist and live with it. And since I learned how to do all that, I have been sharing it with women.”
The Confidence Cleanse live event held Sunday, March 23rd, went better than expected, according to Nicole. She said she was charged up, prepared, and ready for the task.
“I was ready for the long marathon day. I started preparing myself weeks ahead with long hours of meditation, doing my own emotional cleansing so I could be ready to give the best to participants, and it went very well.”
During the live event, Nicole praises the fact that it is okay for women to be themselves and embrace the great, the good, the bad and the ugly sides of life.
“It is good to make yourself a priority, to make your happiness and well-being a priority.”
Even though the live event is primarily targeted to women, Nicole shares her techniques with many men who share the same business and offers services for men.
Nicole started her business in 2009 and in five years she has seen a change in women’s comportment. Nicole also noticed that other women are much like her and that the process she went through, other woman can go through as well. Nicole did “her work” and other woman have to “do their own work” as well, with Nicole’s guidance and processes.
Participants came out of the event with their heart full of courage and ready to take on a new life.
“I left the SmartSexyWoman’s Confidence Cleanse happy with myself, and understanding more of who I am. “ A. Phillips
“Benell is terrific! I recommend this seminar to women of all ages, she will make you deal with your stuff! “ T. Williams
Nicole says she is in the “Love business.” “I am here to spread hope, encouragement, and love. That’s what I love to do.”
The next event provided by Benell Nicole is called “Mission Possible: Living a Life that Fulfills the Soul,” to be held on April 4th, at the Courtyard Marriot in West Los Angeles. More information about The Confidence Cleanse Program and any other events can be found online at www.smartsexywoman.com.