Former Pac-10 division 1 player Lisa Williams is releasing a new book on Amazon this week to help female basketball players learn what it takes to become an elite ball player. “Become An Elite Girl Basketball Player”, is a guidebook for girls who desire to make varsity, become a starter or even get a basketball scholarship. The book speaks to the young ladies where they are, and deals with the challenges and issues that prevent them from progressing to the next level. A great book for girls aged 8 to 17 years old, but especially for those making the transition between middle school and high school basketball. The book explains to young girls that talent alone is not enough to succeed at the higher level. Hard work, a strong mindset, and discipline are keys to becoming an elite athlete.
“True elite players eat, drink, and sleep basketball, and there is a mental commitment, discipline and maturity that comes with that basketball appetite,” Williams says. “Very few of today’s girls that play basketball have that hunger and those attributes. If I can get a few talented girls to cut back on some of their social media time and shift that time to practicing on their own in an effective way, I know it will make a difference in their skill level.”
According to Williams, more girls today play basketball since the inception of the WNBA. “There are travel and club teams, more private training opportunities, and year-round basketball to help players develop.” It was not the case when Williams played.
“Unfortunately talented girls are now playing with a lot of girls that are not very talented,” Williams explains. “Though more girls are playing, many of them just like the idea of playing basketball, and are not really serious about getting better! Other major factors where today’s athletes are falling short is allowing social media to take away those extra hours the girls should be using to develop their game.”
Williams was inspired to write an ebook after watching her own daughter and team play basketball. “I have a 15 year-old daughter who plays on varsity basketball. My daughter Aniya has a lot of potential, and some real talent. I watched her play this season along with her teammates, but they were lacking that elite player mindset and skill set. Many of them were at that ‘almost’, in-between, talent level.” Williams decided to share her own experience and make this book available to everyone. She went through the same process, the same transition from recreational basketball to high school and on to play college competitive basketball.
“I know what it takes to go to a new level and to compete at the elite basketball level,” she told us. “I thought I should share what I know with the girls that desire to be better. My main goal is to help them learn what they should be doing on their own when they practice, and to help them develop mental maturity as basketball players.” Williams believes this book can help players get better, but also assist coaches who have good players that have the potential to go to the next level, but their players aren’t quite there yet.
“I know that coaches, parents and players can all benefit from the information in this book. Sometimes it’s helpful for an outside person to tell a player just what the coach is saying and somehow it is received by the player better. I relate to what girls are going through and what things are preventing them from spending the extra time training. My hope is that the information in this book will nudge the girls just enough to change a few habits, and develop a few disciplines, but most importantly give them the resources they need to work on their game outside of being on a team.” Williams hopes that through her book female basketball players will learn that basketball should be part of their life and not just something they do.
“My hope is that this book will reach and inspire girls that are at that ‘almost point’. They are almost good enough to be a starter, almost good enough to make varsity. I want to help them transition from park and recreation to high school basketball. A lot of them are on the brink of having elite talent and all they need is a little push to work harder. Some of them already are on varsity, they may be starters, and playing AAU ball, but they aren’t on the radar to be considered for a basketball scholarship. I want to help that segment of girls and I believe this book is a good start.”
Williams played basketball ever since she was five. She played pick-up games with boys at the park, and played on boys’ teams until there were girls’ teams. She earned the starting point guard position in her first year of high school, was part of the city championship team in 11th grade and was named first team All-City and second team All-State honorable mention two years in a row. She was co-MVP and her jersey was retired from her high school. Lisa was highly recruited almost 30 years ago, when very few girls were even good enough to earn a basketball scholarship. She received over 25 letters and was sought after by USC, Oregon State and U.C. Berkeley – all Pac 10 Division one schools. Williams received a full ride basketball scholarship to U.C. Berkeley, was only 5’5’’ and barely 110 pounds. “I was never focused on earning a basketball scholarship. I just loved the game and played all the time,” she adds.
“Become An Elite Girl Player Basketball, The Complete Guide to Developing What it Takes” will be available on Amazon the week May 5, 2014. For more information about the elite baller development programs visit: http://www.TakeYourGameUp.com/player or http://www.BasketballTrainingForGirls.com.