Gary F. Cramer owner of Baron’s Best Marketing unveils little known media marketing strategy to position local business professionals and companies as leaders in their industry.
This authority goes a long way when consumers are researching who to do business with. “The issue preventing most professionals and companies from being successful marketers is their failure to positions themselves as a Top dog”, said founder Gary F. Cramer. “The simple fact is this in a bad economy potential customers looking for more than just the first one that pops up in a search results, for instance is there value in doing business with you? Value today not just about, low prices. The value proposition for many is proof you are a leader in your field and that is what authority marketing provides. The tactics we use have been used by celebrities and big corporations for years but rarely are even considered in local marketing. Our clients are being presented with a marketing solution they have never tried before and their competition likely has no clue it exist.”
Warren Buffet expressed similar view on achieving success through value.
Warren Buffet once said “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
This is not about using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to gain page rank in the search engines. It has little to do at all with driving traffic to a web site or squeeze page with a form to collect customer information for future e-mail campaigns. It is all about positioning yourself as a leader in your industry and being able to back it up.
Authority marketing is what celebs have done for years to prop up their Star persona. Major corporations use this same technique to position themselves over their competitors. The neat thing about it is once you have it it is easy to keep and build on, unlike spending thousands of ad dollars on SEO and page rank only to get knocked out by the Latest GOOGLE change in algorithm or get out SEO’ed by your prime competitor.
The game plan is simple. The strategy is to bring companies the recognition they deserve and put it out there in plan site. Consumers do more research before making a purchase today then ever before and it is just getting easier as the technology gets faster. By positioning yourself as an authority in your industry and letting others spread the word you become the obvious choice when a consumer is ready to buy.
The concept just makes good sense. Coming up with innovative ways to make their clients stand out is not something new, Gary F Cramer has been spotlighting clients strong points for years.
Greg Tulino: Marketing Representative- Consumer Portfolio Services “Gary stays on top of his clients needs. He is consistently available and result oriented.”
Frank Alfano: International Trainer at Progressive Basics “I hired Gary to do my advertising for my car dealership with great results. We’ve been business associates and friends for 30 years”
For more details about Authority Marketing as well as all the other services visit Baron’s Best Marketing grab a copy of Gary F. Cramer’s e-book on Marketing Through Reputation. Connect with Gary F. Cramer on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/pub/gary-f-cramer/20/401/89a