We are here today with Best-selling Author, Morgan Field an award-winning Life Coach dedicated to helping people learn to “Thrive” in their lives. Her new book is just one way she reaches out to do just that.
Q : Morgan, I know you are a huge advocate of self-confidence being the key to fulfillment in a person’s life. Are we talking about shy people, introverts, or people with self-esteem issues?
A: Yes, yes, yes, and it even applies to those people who are already wildly successful – No matter how beautiful you are, no matter how much money you have, no matter how much perceived success you have or how much confidence you appear to have, please hear me on this – Self doubt is universal! I feel like there is a debilitating story that those who are consumed by self-doubt tell themselves which is that those who are on the top and living a life beyond their wildest dreams do not experience doubt, insecurity, or fear. That is such a load of crap. There are some things in life that are universal and self-doubt, insecure thoughts, and fear are among the list.
I heard a statistic recently that said that 70 % of our thoughts are recycled from the day before. Self-confidence comes from providing a new pattern of thoughts. Creating a new talk track. Telling yourself kind things about yourself. Being your own #1 Cheerleader. Focus on what you are doing right. Focus on your progress. Celebrate the small victories. Treat yourself as kind as you would your best friend. Give yourself the love and compassion that you so freely give to others.
You’re still going to hear the low vibe thoughts that we all hear, but you have a choice in how you decide to respond to them – You can either be an active participant in believing them, OR you can be an observer to the thoughts and just allow them to pass. Self-confidence is a habit. It’s a work of art. It is a conscious decision every minute of every day to choose to tell yourself kind things, to choose to bet on yourself, to choose to stretch yourself, to choose to try new things that you think may not even be possible so that you can consciously build a bank of new reference points that SHOW you that you ROCK and that you can handle anything that comes your way.
Q: I tend to see people hold themselves back professionally because they don’t have the confidence to leave the comfort zone of their current job.What have you experienced with your clients?
A: It is hard to watch the paralyzing debility of a comfort zone. And it’s so damn sneaky! People don’t even consciously realize that they are falling prey to the comfort zone when they are so deep in it. I have fallen prey to this myself! And there are always a buffet of endless choices of justifications why staying in the comfort zone is best, at least for “right now”, you know “just one more day”. I see a lot of people experiencing what I call the “Tomorrow Syndrome” – Today is the day for staying the same, and tomorrow feels like a better choice for making that change. Which of course as we all know “tomorrow” never comes, and the only day that can actually make impacts in our lives is TODAY.
One thing I do very lovingly for my clients is call them out on their own bullshit. And I recommend that we all get really good at doing that for ourselves, along with surrounding ourselves with loved ones who will love us enough to help us achieve our dreams instead of enabling us to stay stuck in our comfort zone where we will inevitably end up with regrets on our death bed.
It’s important to take inventory on what we want, and then look closely at our actions and words and pinpoint what is in misalignment. If you are stuck, I promise you that you are in misalignment somewhere, and if you can’t see if for yourself then ask a friend, a family member, a coworker, or hire a coach.
And the real irony is that the confidence to leave the comfort zone only comes from actually leaving the comfort zone. Sometimes you are stuck because you think you need to do something wildly extreme to get to your next chapter in life. But then you go into massive amounts of overwhelm because it feels so extreme, it feels like too huge of a leap, which leads you to then do nothing – insert drinking, watching tv, spending hours online in the realm of funny memes and entertainment, playing video games, checking out pages and profiles of people to see what’s going on in their life, taking naps, and a whole creative list of ways to put off your own growth that you so desperately crave.
When instead, if you just chunked it down to something more digestible, a super small something that your brain can’t really resist you on, your whole life can change. For example – what if you just spent 12 minutes today on an action item that you felt would be moving you forward and is something that resides outside of your comfort zone? Like when I wanted to leave my corporate job, I slowly started building a habit of exploring other things I might like to do for a career instead. At first, I spent time each day exploring Life Coaching certification programs. Then I picked a program, signed up, and spent each day learning the material. Then I committed to do one session with 10 people in a week. Then I took on a client. Then I took on another…. Insert a million and five other steps before I finally took the leap and went full time with my own business. I was already running my business when I left my corporate job which made the leap less scary (still terrifying none the less, just a shit ton less overwhelm than had I not taken all those tiny steps first.)
Here is my point – Rome wasn’t built in a day people! By stepping outside of your comfort zone every single day, and trying one new thing each day you slowly expand your comfort zone without the amount of resistance you would face if you just took a massive leap. For example with taking the leap out of the corporate work – Sure, today leaving your company feels like something that is impossible, but when you start to take steps in the direction of leaving that current zone of comfort and you give yourself something new to look forward to for when you leave, something that you build over time, then one day it becomes just another step in your journey to leave the company so you can focus on your new thing!
Q: Morgan, I have heard this year you have been holding retreats for your clients. Can you give us some details?
A: It has been a wild ride this year! All retreats were sold out by July and never even went to the public for marketing! So for anyone who wants to be the first to know about the 2017 retreats, they can just go to the website and sign up at the bottom of the home page to be “In the Know”.
Each retreat is unique. With a customized coaching topic, hosted in a unique location selected for optimal expansion that seamlessly integrates the coaching content, and with optimal sisterhood connections that are ignited and women walk away with soul sisters for life to share their Epic Sexy journeys with. Each retreat caters to women on a specific step of the journey of self-growth and expansion, and are for the women who want to have their own patterns of being stuck identified and broken once and for all so that they can have liberation and freedom from what no longer serves them.
This year we went to the Dominican Republic for Sexy Camp – Coaching all things psychology of Sexy while on the beaches of Punta Cana so that women could get their Sexy back or find it for the first time!Sexy Camp is for my ladies who have tried a TON of things to find their Sexy and yet they feel like they keep spinning in circles, never having been able to attain and sustain the feeling of “Sexy”. Together we explore Sexy in a whole new way – A way where you no longer have to wait to be sexy when…(insert all of the things that your brain tells you-you will need to wait on until you can feel sexy – i.e. lose weight, get your body sculpted, get rid of the jiggle, find someone to share your life with, are loved by someone else, your partner finds you attractive, your mom tells you-you are pretty, etc.) We redefine sexy in a way that empowers each woman to find her sexy right NOW. Each woman got to experience her Sexy at the retreat and take it home with her as the most epic parting gift of all time!
Then the tribe headed to Saint Pete Beach in Florida for ESY Academy where we focused on all the fundamental principles for creating and sustaining an unshakable foundation of which to build a life you absolutely positively love living. ESY Academy is for the women who have already put work in on their journey of self-exploration, growth, and self-development, and still have questions they want answered. Something is off and they are not sure what it is, or how to get what they want – This is the place to find those answers and finally actualize that clarity you’ve been craving!
The finale retreat for this year is South Africa! South Africa is for the high vibe, soulfully expanded women who are already living a great life, and looking to take that a notch up to living an Epic and Legendary life! This trip is for my fellow growth junkies and more whores, always on the treasure hunt for more love, more joy, more adventure, more knowledge, and more expansion! Not only are we going to go on a safari, hot air balloon ride, snuggle some lions, hang with elephants, skydive, bungee jump, and repel into some caves, we are also going to be coaching around redefining what it means to be “Limitless”. This trip is an uplevel to a whole new dimension and realm beyond what most people think is even humanly possible!
Q: Do you fly out of the U.S. together as a group to these retreats?
A: So far, we have tribe members in 15 countries and counting, and I’m elated as I watch the numbers steadily increase as the Brand touches more and more lives with love, light, transformation, healing, ignition, purpose, faith, inspiration, and joy! That being said, when we host live retreats women fly in from all over the world. We always have a central meeting point and fly from our own respective cities and countries to unite for these transformative and life altering experiences! For example at a recent retreat women flew in from 5 Countries – Poland, England, Australia, Canada, and the US – And for those that came from the US, there were women from 4 states and 6 different cities representing this well rounded and diverse sisterhood – Detroit Michigan, Austin Texas, Houston Texas, Chicago Illinois, Salisbury Maryland, and San Antonio Texas.
Q: Where is the tribe going next?
A: As far as retreats go – There are so many yummy divinely guided ideas that are coming through for the 2017 retreats! So far I am feeling pulled to do a Ski Bunny retreat in Colorado, a summer mountain climb of a 14er, a Man-sight retreat for my ladies to help them understand insights to the male mind and how to speak the language of Men so that they can have even more thriving relationships with all the men in their lives, an entrepreneur mastermind retreat to unite Power House Boss Babe Soulpreneurs so they can take their business to the next level, a thriving mind body soul holistic wellness retreat, etc. I keep seeing beaches, sunshine, sisterhood connection, and even glimpses of Bali, Maldives, and so much more!
I am compiling a list of all ideas that come through as I soulstorm where the journey is taking us next and then letting the tribe vote for which ones they most want to be on the 2017 roster! I’ll get to all of these retreats at some point, and want to make sure I always honor the pull of the tribe’s desires so I continue to deliver what is most relevant for them and what they most desire to learn next on their journey of expansion!
Q: Are the retreats your main focus or do you still coach one on one.
A: As the business grows so do the possibilities of the amount of lives that can be touched, ignited, and transformed. In order to leave the legacy footprint of light, love, faith, inspiration and joy on the world that is the mission of the ESY Brand, it will be imperative to shift the focus to more scalable projects that can be created once and yet touch lives across the globe over and over again. That is why I wrote the book, that is why I am working on an Audio Book version, and it’s the number one reason that I am creating an online membership portal for the tribe so that I can create content for them ongoing that will take them through every step of their journey so that my fellow growth junkies can always have quick and easy access to their fix of self-study growth online where they can move at their own pace. In one quick click they will enter a whole new world of infinite possibilities, expansion, growth, inspiration, and Epic Sexy transformation so they too can create and sustain a life they positively LOVE living!
That being said, I genuinely do also love the connection and powerful impacts that one on one coaching provides. I currently work with 10 clients at a time, and just as retreats were sold out for 2016 before even going out to the public with advertising for them, so have the one on one client spots been spoken for and there is now a wait list for those wanting to be next in line as these exclusive spots opens up.
Not sure how much longer the business model will sustain the ability for me to work with clients one on one, so for the lucky few they are getting it in now while they still can!
Q: Let’s talk about your book“Epic Sexy You – No Limits. No Rules.” It’s a number one Best-seller on Amazon, taking the spot from Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth”. It was ranked among otherBIG names as well,Rhonda Byrnes, Elizabeth Gilbert, Louise Hay, and Tony Robbins. Did you expect such a tidal wave of positive response?
A: We decided to do a pre-sales campaign where I offered a signed copy to those who bought their book before it went live to the public. We pre-ordered enough inventory for what I thought should last us the first few months of promoting the book, and I was pleasantly surprised when we sold out in less than 2 weeks. I personally signed and shipped those books out to people in 14 different countries.
The coolest thing about that was when the books started arriving to people’s homes they started posting pictures of it on their social media page and the tribe created quite an epic sexy frenzy! It spread like wildfire! It was amazing, like a spider web of awesomeness that started taking off on it’s own, racing across the globe! Setting the world a blaze with it’s raw real vulnerable transformative elements that the book and brand embody!
And then I started getting these emails from men who were buying the book on Amazon telling me that they read the book because they wanted to know what women were reading, they wanted to know more about women, and they also wanted to learn how to be Epic Sexy themselves! Men kept reaching out asking if I was going to create any content for them, suggesting that when I make the audio book to alter it ever so slightly to include them, requesting that I edit the Goddess language in the book to include some Adonis love for my fellow soul brothers so they too can step into their full power and create a life beyond their wildest dreams. So, I have accepted that challenge and am currently working on the audio book project as such.
And when the book hit #1 on Amazon, we had the most amazing Epic Sexy Celebration party of all time! We basically took the essence of the book and the brand and made it all come to life in one event. There was a contortionist, a belly dancer, a pole dancer, a woman juggling a parasol with her feet. There was a signed recording artist flown in from Cali for the Chicago based event, where she serenaded us with tracks from her newly released album. Finally, we topped off the night with a dance party hosted by none other than Kat V – an infamous Chicago based DJ who played the electric violin to her fave tracks and had every single person in the room dancing!
So…. Sold out retreats. #1 Best Seller on Amazon. Wait list for one-on-one clients. And a whole queue of Epic Sexy Projects in the pipeline that will allow me to leave an even larger footprint of transformation, inspiration, faith and joy on this world, all while continuing to create life altering mind blowing experiences for my tribe?! What?! YES! Pinch me! Life is pretty damn EPIC when you step into the Thrive lane! And it’s my absolute delight and passion to help every single soul on this planet create and sustain their very own Epic Sexy Life!
Morgan Field
Morgan Field is the CEO and Founder of the International Female Empowerment Brand – Epic Sexy You. She is an award–winning Intuitive Life Coach, and the author of Amazon’s #1 Best Selling Book – Epic Sexy You: No Limits. No Rules. – Which helps women fall madly deeply in love with themselves so that they can get busy living, while creating and sustaining a life, body, love story, and business beyond their wildest dreams! She combines the power of coaching with the power of channeling Spirit Guides to deliver the most unbelievably mind-blowing transformative experiences for women around the world. Currently, her tribes spans across 15 countries and counting!