Dehaven Fields, the CEO of Auxesis Outreach, Inc. recently commissioned a complete overhaul of the organization’s website to keep up with the increasing demand for the non-profit’s services. Auxesis offers financial aid services and solutions to communities facing difficult financial conditions.
Fields’ background is an interesting one. He had been involved in the mortgage industry prior to the subprime lending cut before the bubble burst and the mortgage industry was still highly lucrative. “When the mortgage bubble burst, it negatively affected both international and national economies, including the financial markets,” remarks Fields. “It was a ripple that went beyond continental boundaries.”
During this period Fields referred back to his time spent with corporate mortgage banking and his involvement with everything from mortgage modifications and loss mitigation to short sale underwriting and legal mitigations. “Throughout my career it became increasingly apparent that the issues that fueled one of the worst recessions seen by our nation largely stemmed from individuals lacking the knowledge and resources to position themselves for financial success,” Fields recalls, “I started the non-profit in an effort to try to provide that knowledge and resource to our nation – and as a solution to attempt to balance-out the selfish lending principals that have placed us in our current financial state. I do this as a promise to those who I have helped throughout my career thus far, and to try to make up for those I couldn’t.”
When asked exactly what Auxesis does, Fields explains, “We provide industry leading financial services and resources to communities through grant funding and education. These services and resources allow our community members to position themselves for financial success, homeownership and the development of community.” He continues, “Through strategic partnerships and sponsorships with the nation’s elite companies and brands, we are able to put individuals in a position to take advantage of these services and take advantage of the high quality results.”
However, Auxesis doesn’t just stop there as Fields explains, ” We also connect organizations and companies to the community and to causes through event coordination. By bringing the right sponsors and vendors together through strategic and dynamic planning and execution, we can truly do something magical for the community and those in need. These events allow us to connect to a broader audience nationwide and to get these grant services to people throughout the nation who need them.”
All of these services and initiatives are starting to pay dividends for Fields as his organization is growing at an exponential rate. Fields explains the secrets to this success, “I have a wonderful core of advisors and mentors from very affluent positions to include executive experience from Fortune 500 companies. They provide guidance and resource which have allowed Auxesis to project, plan, and strategize, to achieve six sigma grade efficiency. I feel we are equipped and positioned appropriately to generate tremendous support to our fellow Americans.”
Of course, such rapid growth does not come without some growing pains. The organization feels it has outgrown its existing website and online infrastructure and so is in the process of remedying this situation. Fields explains, “Based on our rapid growth, we have had to grow our infrastructure to support the influx of heavy volume.” He adds, ” We were fortunate enough to partner with O3 Strategies, Inc. who are winners of the 2014 Golden Hermes Award, an international award for recognition in website design and functionality.”
Auxesis also gained a great deal of support from InfusionSoft to bring its professional management system up to par with other leading financial institutions. Fields explains, “As an organization who focuses on providing results utilizing elite level services, it made sense for us to partner with elite companies to deliver something truly historic to citizens throughout the nation.”
Interested parties – and there seems to be a growing number of them – can expect to see the new website unveiled before the fall. Fields excitedly explains some of the new functionality of the site and how site visitors stand to benefit, “The website will better serve our clientele by simplifying the user experience while also providing resources to clearly outline and define each of our business segments.” He continues, “The website will also provide our clients with a calendar outlining financial education and homeownership seminars throughout our communities. These seminars are provided by industry leaders and local professionals who know the market. Finally, the new website will also provide our community members with events that will allow them to connect with companies and organizations who bring events and opportunities to support causes in their community.”
Anyone wishing to learn more about Dehaven Fields or Auxesis Outreach is encouraged to visit their site at: http://www.auxesisoutreach.org.