We see press releases and corporate announcements of newly installed CEO’s almost every day. We hear a lot about the new executive’s rise to the top and congratulations are certainly in order, but what we don’t hear much about is the performance stress many of them experience because that big, beautiful office comes with a mandate to achieve some very ambitious goals…or else.
Lee Eisenstaedt knows all about this stress and how to alleviate it. He formed his company, Value Drivers, LLC, after spending years as a senior finance and operations executive and seeing first-hand how much pressure company leaders are under.
Eisenstaedt developed several proprietary assessment tools to identify the most important needs and a “Dream Team” of specialists to address them. He explained his service in a recent interview, “We help newly appointed CEOs and COOs of middle market companies who are anxious about the pressure they’re under to make an impact on their businesses. That impact is usually accelerating sales and/or increasing profitability. The pressure is the short amount of time they have to hit it out of the park. We increase the likelihood that the newly appointed leader and his or her team achieve their goals with the time they’re given using:
1. The tool we license for assessing and rating the risk and quality of a client’s core strategic operations and processes. You need to be an accomplished general business advisor, with a strong understanding of finance and operations, to license the tool and facilitate the process.
2. A proprietary, standardized 360-feedback assessment that reveals a person’s effectiveness as a leader with courage and his or her strengths and opportunities for improvement. This complements the proprietary tools the firm uses to assess a client’s culture and the loyalty of their customers.
3. Our advisors have been C-level executives in world-class, large organizations. None of them started out wanting to be consultants and each have demonstrated the ability to adapt what they learned and practiced in those organizations to the middle market. Each of them is a great diagnostician who knows how to ask great questions.
4. We’ve been called the “anti-consultant’s consultant.” We will validate what you know and tell you what you don’t know. We’ll bring pragmatic solutions to the table and won’t create a second job for you.
5. Our clients only work with our senior advisors. We don’t employ or contract level staff to do the work. This means a shorter learning curve and clients don’t spend time teaching junior staff about their business. We are hands-on C-level executives serving C-level executives.
6. We know the complexities of working with family-owned businesses, as well as mid- to large-cap organizations.
7. We assign at least two of our senior advisors to each project. This is because we all listen differently and bring unique skills to an engagement.”
Eisenstaedt is the author of Wallet Share: How To Grow Your Practice Without Adding Clients and is currently working on his second book Being An Effective Leader With Courage: How To Succeed In Your C-level Position In 18 Months Or Less.
To learn more about Lee and Value Drivers,LLC , please go to www.ValueDriversLLC.com