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Author and Reiki Master Claudia Marrero-Michalik was recently interviewed on the syndicated radio show, “Women Innovators” by host Tamara Patzer.
Claudia Marrero-Michalik started her career as a Biomedical Electrical Engineer working in the diagnostics industry. Being at the hospital and seeing so much suffering and death lead her to develop a very strong desire for teaching others the skills for taking care of their health physically, emotionally and spiritually. Claudia completed her certification as a Health Coach from Dr. Sear’s Wellness Institute. As a practitioner, she is focused on teaching people how to optimize their health while also using her unique perspective as a Biomedical Engineer.
Tamara “Tami” Patzer hosts the Women Innovators featuring conversations with professional women. The radio show is available on the iHeartRadio network, Stitcher, YouTube, iTunes and Spreaker) or online at: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/womeninnovators. Patzer also is host/executive producer for The Optimal Health Radio show and The Thought Leaders show featured on Business Innovators Network and Daily Success Media Network.
“Every day I see successful people that feel lost and confused,” Michalik explained. “They feel like they hit rock bottom and they say, ‘There’s got to be another way,’ these are the types of people that I can really help change their life.” Michalik them connect to their inner wisdom, higher self, and guide them on how to use Universal Laws to improve their life.
Michalik’s special talent is understanding that the more we connect to our intuitive and spiritual aspects of our being, the more wisdom and healing is discovered. As an intuitive, she often uses Reiki- energy healing. She took part in a Reiki study done by Harvard University which showed that humans are conceptually more energetic beings than any other paradigm and we all have the ability to be energetic healers. Claudia shared, “In my healing and reiki practice, I also use divination tools such as kinesiology, muscle testing, meditation and accessing the Akashic records. One of the major misconceptions people have is that they think that I’m psychic or “more special” than the “normal” person, but I want to teach people that with practice and commitment, everyone has these gifts.”
To learn more about Claudia Marrero-Michalik, visit her website at: https://feelperfecthealth.com/about/
About Claudia Marrero-Michalik
Claudia Marrero-Michalik is a Transformational Counselor and Reiki Master-Teacher and a certified Health Coach trained by Dr. Sear’s Wellness Institute. She started her career as a Biomedical Electrical Engineer working in the diagnostics industry. Marrero-Michalik is currently working on obtaining her Transformational trainer certification and becoming an ICG life coach.
Understanding that peace, health and happiness are the results of mindfulness and balance of all 3 human domains – Body, Mind, and Spirit – Claudia’s vision is to have people self-realize that they have the power to shine like lighthouses, and that as spiritual beings having a human experience, we have the choice to create our own heaven or hell on earth.
Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer
Tamara "Ask Tami" Patzer is a Best Selling Author, host of Women Innovators Radio, Business Innovators Radio, and Executive Producer of the Daily Success® Media Network. She is an Independent Publisher of the Best-Selling Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers, and Givers - Women Who Make A Daily Difference Book Series. Tamara is also a contributor to Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, Thrive Global and Medium covering Influencers, Innovators, and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance, and Personal Development. She is the creator of Beyond the Best Seller Marketing Systems for authors.