Mckinley Horton and LaShana Spann‘s recent release, The Third Shift hit Amazon.com’s best seller list on October, 23rd 2018, climbing all the way to Number One in the Christian Adult Education category. It also reached #2 in the Inspirational Personal Testimonies Category and #3 in Christian Education.
The Third Shift is a compelling, self-help, inspirational memoir. It tells the story of Scooty, as she journeys to reconcile her life’s purpose and comes to terms with her identity in the face of the extreme adversity delivered to her. Despite being molested as a child and impregnated as a teenager, Scooty discovers the beauty of the world as a mother in Pennsylvania and grows to lead a life full of love, hope, and courage.
This inspiring true story is available on Amazon Kindle, paperback and audio. While celebrating the success of the book hitting the bestseller list on Amazon, Horton has his sights set on making this compelling tale of success, faith, and determination into a movie.
In response to the book hitting Number One, Horton stated, “LaShana Spann and I would like to thank Mr. Raghuram Shetty who invested in The Third Shift Book P.R. Mr. Shetty’s support provided the stability and investment and the guidance in the marketing of our success. We would also like to give thanks to CEO of Monster products Mr. Noel Lee for his everlasting faith in our dream and Ms.Anne Fonteneau Vice President of Sales at Blackstone Publishing and Roger Cox. To our agent Mr.Bill Gladstone of Waterside Publishing, we appreciate your support and belief, without you, this could have never happened. Thank you, Bill!
In addition to our team of supporters we would like to thank Mr. Philip Pasha, Elite Autos Finance in Beverly Hills & Prime Time transportation Opoli owner, Mr. Ratten Joel for there financial support in our Barnes & Noble book signing campaign.
Last, but not least we want to honorably thank Mr. James R. Shapiro for his partnership, support and his incredible vision. Love you Man!”
LaShana Spann was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1973 to Willie and Cynthia Spann. The early years of her life were marked by moving from home to home, but her dreams and energy gave her the strength to endure the unfair turn of events that would later shape her life. Violated by a family member early in her life, LaShanna was filled with emptiness and distrust. Finding her lord and savior Jesus Christ led to her recovery and put her life back together, allowing her to strive and to go forth.
Mckinley Horton is a veteran music producer and songwriter who began his professional music career as a teen playing keyboards and touring for several years with Harold Melvin and his legendary group, The Blue Notes. He has expanded his creatively into television, films such as Snakes on The Plane, Miami Vice the movie, Money Train and has written music with producers such as Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Organized Noise along with music licensing and book publishing.
To learn more about, Mckinley Horton and The Third Shift Book, visit: https://www.instagram.com/thirdshiftbook
The Third Shift book is available on:
Kindle https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NT829S6
Paperback https://www.amazon.com/Third-Shift-LaShana-Spann/dp/0692736166
Audio https://www.amazon.com/Third-Shift-Growing-Up-Crazy/dp/B076HTB3Z5