“Women who don’t own their power, struggle to achieve the success they so richly deserve verses those women who do,” shares Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A., Authentic Women’s Leadership Coach and CEO of Poimena Consulting, LLC, an Atlanta premier consultancy specializing in women’s leadership and personal development. “Women in leadership who live their lives from a point of owning their authentic power are successful. More often than not, women who give away their power are not as successful.”
“Our society is filled women leaders who own their power including Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor, First Lady Michelle Obama, COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, OWN Network founder, Oprah, as well as many others. So what is holding other women back? Power zappers,” explains Henderson. As part of her content-rich, transformational workshop: I Own My Power!, Henderson explains that “Power Zappers are those dangerous, energy stealers and self-defeating behaviors that rob women of success. Examples of power zappers include lack of confidence, second guessing oneself, fear, and not letting go to move forward, to name a few.”
Linda Babcock, author of Women Don’t Ask, and Professor of Economics at Carnegie Mellon University discovered in studies with business-school students, men initiate salary negotiations four times as often as women do, and that when women do negotiate, they ask for 30 percent less money than men do. Babcock believes that the act of not negotiating comes from a lack of confidence which echoes Henderson’s conviction that lack of confidence is a power zapper that profoundly impacts women’s lives.
“When women leaders seek out my coaching, they desire a coach who brings empathy, reinforcement, and authenticity,” says Henderson. “First, women want someone who ‘gets’ them. Second, they desire reassurance and reinforcement that they are significant and are doing a great job. Last, women leaders yearn for a space to be themselves, so when they overcome the power zappers, they can be authentic without fear of reprisal.”
“Karlyn has a positive attitude and is a pleasure to work with. She takes a proactive role in dealing with others. She meets with clients to understand needs and then tailors the material to the audience,” says a Group Manager of Business and Process Analysis for the Coca-Cola company who has worked with Henderson.
Through her women’s leadership coaching programs, speaking engagements, and workshops, Henderson helps women leaders to own their authentic power and live a life of success. Learn more about her leadership and personal development programs at: http://Poimena.com/about-poimena-consulting/poimena-leadership-karlyndhenderson/.