Bio-performance Company, Athletic Apex, helps people of all ages and walks of life reach the apex of their bodies’ performance potential. “Apex” means the highest point, the pinnacle of a body’s ability. The services of Athletic Apex have been used by the United States Secret Service, US Navy Seals, numerous Olympic teams and world-renowned professional athletes. Not just for athletes, Athletic Apex also specializes in working with chronic pain cases.
Athletic Apex was born out of the experiences of the founder, Randall Hunt. In 1997, while attending Pepperdine University on a full golf scholarship, Hunt was in a car accident and lost the use of his right arm. Despite having the best neurosurgeons and doctors treating his arm, treatments and surgeries failed. Hunt suffered from chronic pain and only recovered partial use of his arm. Unless something changed, he would never play golf again.
After living for years with severe chronic pain, Hunt set out on a quest to heal his own arm. He began researching alternative methods for stimulating muscle growth and nerves. During the course of his search, Hunt studied personal training, chiropractic treatment, acupuncture and other healing methods. Each new healing modality he learned offered pieces of what he needed to heal himself; none completely fixed the problem. Hunt continued to push the boundaries of known medical techniques and soon discovered the concepts taught today at Athletic Apex as Bionetics.
Today, Athletic Apex offers Bionetics, Golfnetics, Tennetics and Cosnetics. Bionetics is an in-depth study of the inner workings of the human body designed to pinpoint and correct dysfunction that hinders optimal performance. Bionetics is currently being used by coaches and athletes at the United States Olympic Training Center. Golfnetics, the program created especially for golfers has been proven with players on the every major tour in the United States including the PGA Tour, PGA Champions Tour and in the LPGA. Tennetic lessons are given by certified USPTA professionals. Athletic Apex also offers Cosnetics, the science of optimal cosmetic enhancement. Ronnie Coleman, eight-time Mr. Olympia and numerous professional fitness models have been Cosnetics clients for Athletic Apex.
Hunt says, “One thing that people don’t understand is that right now traditional medicine isn’t going down the path of looking at the musculature system. Before you have anybody cut on you, before you have any kind of permanent structural change done, you have to have the musculature of your body assessed. I wish there was a magic pill or program software—but right now the best way, the most accurate way, is to have a neuromuscular assessment done. A neuromuscular assessment takes an hour. It’s where we look over your body on the table to be able to understand if you are twisted, how you are twisted and why you are twisted. We look at what specific muscles are causing the twist. Once we understand the parameters of your body, then we can create a plan for you.”
A youthful sixty two year old client, Debbie Head says, “I had this excruciating pain in my shoulder and my neck… I had one shoulder higher than the other by two inches— I did this damage over ten years and I wasn’t fixed overnight, [but] I would say the pain was subsiding in a month— [and] I was healed in about eight months.”
Hunt states, “It’s not only important to understand what to do, but what not to do.”
In Head’s words, “I now understand the anatomy thanks to Athletic Apex; otherwise, it’s just a pain, and then you go for a Band-Aid… and the knowledge is crucial to keep me from doing it again.”
For more information about Athletic Apex and Randall Hunt visit http://www.athleticapex.com.