Certified Life Coach, Estra Roell, LOACC, helps clients who feel stuck in unfulfilling jobs. She helps them tune into what really “lights them up” so they can live lives of meaning, purpose and joy. Roell explains, “Life purpose is a subject that has been making its way into the public consciousness more and more frequently in the last few years. Life Purpose can be defined as one’s unique contribution to the world, aligned with his or her passions, talents and abilities.
The old paradigm of working for the same company for thirty or forty years in a job you dislike in order to be able to retire so you can finally enjoy life is waning. People of all ages are now seeking meaning, fulfillment and a sense of being passionate about what they do right now in their everyday lives. The problem comes when they are out of touch with what that is or just don’t know how to make the change into more fulfilling work and lives.”
This is where coaching becomes so valuable. Roell uses a variety of powerful processes to help her clients gain clarity and insight into what excites them and to understand and shift subconscious beliefs that hold them back from doing what they really want. She empowers them with mindfulness techniques and then helps them create a plan of inspired action. In a study by Harris Interactive, it was found that 80% of working Americans don’t like what they do for a living and most heart attacks occur on Monday mornings. “Clearly,” says Roell, “we need to change our ideas about how we make money and what is possible for each of us. It’s time to stop living according to what we think society and other people expect of us and be true to our own, unique gifts.”
Roell has designed a program called “Living on Purpose: 12 Steps to Loving Monday Morning” that takes clients on a step by step journey to discovering and implementing what they are most passionate about. These are the steps she used when she went through her own crisis of purpose that actually caused her to become ill. After finding her own way out, it is now her passion and highest purpose to help others do the same.
“Usually when clients first come to me and I ask them to tell me what they really want, they don’t know. They begin to talk about what is wrong in their lives right now,” states Roell. “That’s normal because that’s what has been getting their attention but continuing to focus on what’s wrong won’t change anything. So I take them through a process called ‘Clarity Through Contrast,’ which allows them to take each item on their list of what’s not working and flip it into the opposite so they can create a new list of what they ‘do’ want. This is the beginning of more clarity and a shift in how they are thinking. Now they can start to see the possibilities and begin to get excited.”
Tony Robbins, one of the more familiar names in the coaching industry would seem to agree: “We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish,” but, ‘“if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. ”
Estra’s approach helps to break the repetitive cycle for anyone feeling like they are tired of being on the “treadmill of life,” offering them ways to make real life changes. She also co-hosts the weekly “Coach Cafe” radio show on Blog talk radio, where topics include personal self empowerment and spirituality. For more information visit: http://www.AmericasLifePurposeCoach.com and http://www.coachcafetradio.com.