Remember the days when you didn’t have to lock your doors when you went out? Even when you went on vacation, you could leave the doors unlocked in case the neighbor or a friend needed to borrow something.
Those days are a quaint memory, a thing of the past.
“Society today is growing increasingly dangerous and the market for products and services that make us feel safer is exploding, says Paul Tauchar, a top-tier 3M Window Film franchisee.
“Home alarm systems are a good first start. Almost every home has a basic alarm system and many folks are actually adding additional features like cameras and mobile apps to be able to monitor their home from anywhere.
“We no longer leave our doors unlocked and we’re constantly thinking of how we can protect ourselves and our homes better. Unfortunately, the criminals are one step ahead of most homeowners”, says Tauchar.
Solar Control of Jackson, Mississippi offers a simple, inexpensive, but often overlooked option for enhanced home security.
“By adding security or safety films to your glass windows and doors, you can stop a potential break in to your home. Most break-ins happen when someone breaks a window to gain entry.
“Quality window films are incorporate amazing new technology, adds Tauchar. Some of them are almost 250 layers of high-tech materials that are bonded together to make them super strong yet crystal clear, but they’re paper-thin.
“These films can stop the potential thief from gaining access and taking your most important possessions or harming your family. They’re clear and undetectable so they won’t change the appearance of your home and they’ll make your glass windows and doors much stronger.
“Most thieves know that they have a minute or two to get in and out with “the goods”. If you can stall them at least this long, then they’ll move on to someplace that is easier to access. By having a professional install security films on your windows, you will be investing in a greater amount of protection for your family and your possessions.
“I’ve helped many folks add more comfort and peace of mind to their lives simply by adding security films,” says Paul. He also notes that in addition to the security factor another benefit you get with 3M window films is great UV protection. UV rays are the leading cause of fading of your furniture and floors and they can be harmful to your skin.
My motto is simple says Paul: “We protect our neighbors, one window at a time.”
Stop the thieves on the outside so they can’t get to you or what you have worked so hard for.
Paul Tauchar can be reached at: 601-707-5596 or paul@solarcontroljackson.com. Visit his website at www.SolarControlJackson.com