Houston resident, Alan Davidson, founder of ThroughYourBody.com and the author of the award winning and best-selling, Body Brilliance: Mastering Your Five Vital Intelligences announced the launch of his product line, Body Brilliance Products, on March 17th, 2014.
Davidson developed his first product, Body Brilliance 100% Natural Liquid Deodorant Spray, out of a desire to help the growing number of people that feel threatened by using dangerous or toxic chemicals in their antiperspirants and deodorants.
America’s Doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz says, “There are three major areas of the body that sweat and stink: under your arms, your pubic area, and your feet; because these three areas have a higher number of sweat glands associated with your hair follicles. Two things, then, affect your body odor; how much you actually sweat…and what bacteria are feeding in those sweaty areas.”
Davidson has worked with thousands of clients as a body-worker, aromatherapist, and spa therapist to develop an alternative and natural approach to their health and healing. He taught massage and spa therapy for ten years at a Houston massage training center. Davidson also taught a 100 hour Aromatherapy Certification program.
Davidson combined twenty-four-plus years of experience about well-being and a holistic lifestyle; including natural earth minerals, plant extracts, and aromatherapy oils, or essential oils. Body Brilliance 100% Natural Spray Deodorant is a formulation of seaweed and algae extracts, mineral salts, and essential oils such as: lavandin, patchouli, spanish sage, tea tree leaf, cajeput, lemon peel & pine needle.
The resulting potion is designed to kill bacteria that cause body odor. It allows the body to perform the way it was intended. Sweating is an essential body function. It’s also the way our bodies cool and detoxify.
Body Brilliance 100% Natural Spray Deodorant is designed for men, women and children. It is a premium professional grade deodorant and is designed for Exclusive Resort Spa treatments and customers. It gives you hours of antibacterial protection and is safe for all skin types;
For more information on Alan Davidson’s Body Brilliance 100% Natural Spray Deodorant , please visit Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HRJMQL8