Most people fear going to the dentist and most of the time they ignore the signs their teeth and gums are sending them when they are in need of care. The fact of the matter is that caring for ones teeth is crucial to the overall well being of a person’s health. Going to the dentist regularly is one big step towards caring for ones teeth, but educating a person about dental concerns can help put an end to a dental issue before it begins.
This is what inspired Dr’s. Jason and Nelson Hui of Paragon Dentistry in Plano, Texas to create a website that aims to the most commonly asked questions pertaining to numerous dental concerns and topics. It is their hope with AskDrHui.com to educate people regarding dental care and to help correct misconceptions about dentistry. “When a person experiences a health concern, it is common for that person to search the Internet for a solution. Unfortunately, the Internet is full of misinformation,” said Dr. Jason Hui. “We wanted to build a one-stop destination for any and all dental concerns or topics. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, just ask us and we’ll create a video response to address your specific question.”
Dr. Nelson Hui went on to say, “By also posting our answer videos on YouTube we realize we’re able to help people on an international scale, not just those who physically live near our Plano Texas practice.” About AskDrHui.com:AskDrHui.com is the website of Dr’s. Jason and Nelson Hui, the brothers behind Paragon Dentistry one of Plano Texas’ top dentists. Their highly trained and knowledgeable care brings us a highly informative website regarding dental care and concerns.
For more information about them, please visit: http://www.askdrhui.com or http://www.allentxdentist.com.