Healing Scars, Natalie Hatjes Is Bringing Breast Cancer Survivors New Joy

Natalie Hatjes is dedicated to helping breast cancer survivors regain their mojo by offering them some retail therapy via her online store, Tiger Blossom, LLC (www.tigerblossomboutique.com). At Tiger Blossom, breast cancer survivors are encouraged to shed their “patient identity” and claim their new identity as a powerful, triumphant, and healthy survivor. Frequently, post-breast cancer treatment, women can feel as if they’ve lost part of the feminine identity. Hatjes is determined to show them that nothing could be farther from the truth. “I help women to see that even though they feel broken, tired, scarred, and have sometimes lost a part of their femininity, they are still beautiful and have so much to offer,” Hatjes says.

Tiger Blossom, LLC, offers breast cancer survivors foundation garments and clothing options that help them look and feel their best. From breast forms, to head wraps, to compression garments, Tiger Blossom, LLC, offers a diverse array of products from a number of leading manufacturers to help clients feel better about themselves and their appearance. Getting cancer survivors comfortable and accustomed with their post-treatment bodies is not always as simple as buying new garments. Many times, it involves providing emotional support and gentle guidance through a new world of accessories designed especially for breast cancer survivors. For many women, knowing what questions to ask, what products to purchase, even where to purchase them is a daunting task. Hatjes’ hope is to provide a beacon of information and support.

In addition to offering specialty garments, Tiger Blossom, LLC, also offers clients a wide range of information, resources, and advice. As a business, Tiger Blossom, LLC, takes a holistic approach to providing client services, including helping clients regain lost intimacy post-treatment. “We have partnered with many local organizations to provide free services for cancer previvors and survivors, such as yoga workshops, cooking classes, beauty workshops, fitness classes, and lunch and learns,” Hatjes says. While clients have been through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, Tiger Blossom, LLC, is dedicated to providing them with products and services that look toward the future without neglecting their past. For Hatjes, that mission is expressed in more places than in her shop. She frequently finds opportunities to counsel breast cancer survivors wherever she goes.

“I met a woman on the plane and we randomly were talking about breast cancer. She started crying and told me she was a survivor,” Hatjes says. “I referred her to my site to help her with the problems she was having and she placed an order and told me how much I helped her. We still keep in contact!”

Hatjes dedication for her clients’ well-being and restoration to health is the motivation behind her energetic and enthusiastic interactions with them. Known to break out in song and dance whenever the mood strikes, Hatjes brings her clients more than a simple retail shopping experience. She is interested in helping her clients reclaim every aspect of their lives, including helping to restore the romance in marriages that may have been sacrificed due to ill health and the effects of cancer treatment. “Tiger Blossom helps save marriages by giving women a safe and comfortable atmosphere to learn about their new bodies and learn how to be intimate despite the scars, nerve damage and hair loss,” Hatjes says.

You can find out more about Natalie Hatjes and Tiger Blossom, LLC at: http://www.tigerblossomboutique.com.